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As she looks up, the stars began to fall. 'It's meteor shower!' And quickly, she closed her eyes and shouted "I WISH TO BE HAPPY!"
Little did she know, later she will regret this wish as the people up there toyed with her life.

'What is that?!', she quickly took cover. After a few seconds, another BBBAAAAMMMMMM! is heard.
She checks her surrounding but there were no one there. Even the pairs of twins that she saw were not there. But from the corner of her eye, she saw two lights from the ground. Instinctively she follows the light. She was a curious person. Getting closer, she saw two crystals.

"Two Crystals? Twin crystals!! Hahhahaha! Now I get it", as she laugh, she picked up the crystals and put it in her pocket. She heard voices. She looks up and saw many couples. But now it was regular couples and no other twins around.

'That's strange. It never happened before. This was completely on a different level', she thought. Before this, the other crystals she get was only in normal circumstances. There was no magic involved. Does it connected to the meteor shower event? She need to get home and ask Miao Miao.

The next day at the house~

"So, what is the next clue?" Miaomiao asked Shide while they were eating.

"Owh.. let me recalled it...

Wheels of destiny,
Changes of fates,
Tied by the souls,
Swears by the blood,
Tied for a lifetime,
Broken are forgotten,
Witnessed by the book,
A sacrifice of destiny for a power to behold.

"Wow. Sound a bit ominous don't ya think?" Mumbled Miaomiao while chewing.

"Yeah, it sounded a bit extreme if it involves fate and destiny. Even Liwei has a hard time to decipher the poem", Shide shrugged.

"If it helps, I think the wicked witch maybe can help", Miaomiao hesitantly said. If it can be helped, she wouldn't tell Shide about the wicked witch. But since Liwei that cold-faced dude was stucked for far too long in Shide's dream and she can detect that dude's life force has weaken. So she has been fidgety and anxious. If his life force has been wiped out, he will be stuck forever in Shide's dream. Seeing that cold faced forever makes Miaomiao shivers. She didn't want to keep seeing him forever!

"Who is this wicked witch you are talking about?", Shide narrowed her eyes.

"Well, her name is Xia Jat. Legend has it that she was neither a man or a woman. But she address herself as a woman. No one knows where she come from but her high witch ability has been acknowledged since 200 years ago", Miaomiao explained.

"A hermaphrodite?! I have never seen one before!", Shide was excited.

Miaomiao flinched. Her eyes twitched. 'I don't think that's the point here. But should I tell her the dark history surrounding that wicked witch? Maybe I shouldn't lest it scared her'.

"So when are we going to see him... her....", asked Shide.

"We need to set up appointment. I will call her with the crystal ball", Miaomiao finished her meals and trotting to their dark room.

The appointment time at a building~

"We are so lucky that someone has decided to cancel. But why is that person is so stupid to cancel? I mean the wicked witch appointment practically full for 10 years onward", Miaomiao tell shide while they are waiting for the wicked witch.

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