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Wang Li Wei has been diligent at work for 1 whole week following his awakening. The shareholders and board of directors was speechless. According to their source, he had been in an accident and most likely would not be waking up. But what is this?! That demon didn't seem like he suffered from fatal wound. At most, he was colder than before. Before, these wolves had been demanding to replace the CEO as their stocks had suffered after the news of Liwei in an accident was released. But because of Mrs. Wang quick action, the stocks has steadily stable it self again. And now as the young Ceo is hard at work, they have been acting like bunch of wolves with tails between their legs. The company also become normal again. The blue collar workers also released a sigh of relief. Finally they can stop worrying and work hard too.

Inside Liwei's office~
"Secretary Zhao, how about the matter I told you to do last week?", Liwei asked without glancing once at Secretary zhao.

"Yes. It's all in here. Wu Shi De. 26 years old. A Manager at our Museum branch. Single. No parents. Live with a cat. Graduate with 4.00 GPA at E National University. Never had a boyfriend. Popular among coworkers. At 5 years old, she had been almost kidnapped but luckily, she managed to escape the child traffickers. At 9 years old, she stopped a a guy from raping a woman when she was going to school. The woman has been visiting her in the orphanage after that but soon move out after she's married. At 15 many guys has been confessing to her but she rejected all of them saying that she didn't see the red thread between them connected. So a rumor started that she hated men. At 17, she has been nominated as valedictorian at the E academy and received scholarship to E National University. At 20, she graduated and finally being accepted in our company to work at the museum", he narrated it like reading a news.

"That's enough. And how about the museum?", Liwei looks up to him.

"Yes. The museum has been notified and arrangement has been made. The renovation can start at anytime", he responded.

"Proceed with the renovation and clear up my schedule after 3", Liwei once more concentrated on his work.

"Yes sir", though the Secretary was confused, he still do things without questioning his superior. Liwei has never taking a day off suddenly. So he was confused but eventually moved on from the issue.

The moment the secretary was out from his office, Liwei glanced up and relax. He smile sinisterly. 'Wu Shide, as stupid as you do, I can't believe you have a high IQ. Trully laughable. And not even 1 relationship? But who is he to comment? He didn't even had a serious girlfriend. Now, I'm curious, what face will you show me later?'.
Looking outside the glass window, Liwei now cannot wait to meet her. She will never get out from his grasp!

It's 2pm and the museum is on schedule to welcome the supervisor from the HQ. Shide is making sure the final preparations are perfect. After making sure to double checked everything, Shide and the other, stand at the entrance of the museum. And sure, from afar, a silver limo is making its way to the front step of the museum.

The person in the limo get out and all the subordinates bow and did a greeting. Shide while bowing her head, went to the front of the supervisor and introduce herself.

"Good afternoon, I am Wu Shide, the person in charge of the museum", while  carefully lift off her head and smiling with her hand extended. But never in a million years would she anticipated who stand in front of her tight now. The smile on her face dropped. Her jaw opens. The extended hand halted. She was stunned!

Liwei, taking her hand in his, and did something he had never did to his secretary astonishment. He pulled Shide, and whispers, "What's with those expressions? Why, cat got your tongue?".

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