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Ring....ring.... ring...

It's 7 am. Shi De picked herself up and starts preparing for work. Today she's wearing a navy suit, red lipstick and smokey eyeshadow. She looks every bit -normal. But her aura is different. Though she looks normal, people can't help but be attracted to her.

She didn't have a car but she have her broomstick. It's not particularly a good idea to fly though, so she walked to her workplace. The way she walks is so elegant and people keep on looking at her. But none of them dared to approach.

She walks 10 km everyday, so she is quite fit. She doesn't need to go to the gym and she can eat anything that she wants. Shi De works as a Museum Curator in one of the biggest city in E country.

At the E country's museum:

"Good morning manager Wu"

As Shi De walks, she smiled at the employees and replied them accordingly.

"Ahhhh... big sister looked so pretty today. So stylish. So elegant..."

"Wipe your drool woman! She doesn't like little girls like you. She likes us men!"

"If she is willing, I'm prepared to be gay for her!"

"Too bad she's not"

Shi De can hear them talking. A witch's ears are sensitive. She thought that today will be lively again at the museum. She walked to her office and starts working.

Knock. Knock..

Her Secretary, Zhu Si Si come in. She wore glasses and have long wavy hair.

"Manager, today the visit from the headquarters are put on hold. There's something happened yesterday to the CEO"

"Hurm?" SD rised her eyebrows.

"Well, it is not official yet, but apparently the CEO are involved in a car accident. So he is now in a coma"
SiSi explained.

"Did the headquarters said that? Or you just make your own speculation?" SD knew her assistant well. This girl likes to gossip and are always alert on the newest gossips.

"You know me too well manager", she blushed. "Actually this is being keep as a secret. The headquarters probably doesn't want this news leaked. The CEO is in a coma. Because my cousin whose wife's sister in laws worked at the hospital and saw the CEO in the V.I.P room last night. She overheard the doctors talking"
Sisi provided the details.

"You are making me dizzy Sisi with your familial connections to other gossipers" SD smiled. "But I think we should keep this news to ourselves from now?" She politely inquires

" I understand manager", Sisi pouted but still agreeing. SD always looking out for her because she can be a bit excessive with her gossips to the point of making troubles to herself. So she always listen to SD.

"Good girl!" SD complimented her. "So is there anything else?"

"I just need you to sign this manager", Sisi went out after getting SD signed the documents. Sisi thought it's too bad the manager are a woman. She would fall in love with her if she was a guy. Oooo... who is she kidding, she still have a crush with the manager now.

The female lead have people hooked around her finger in this museum and do her bidding gladly. But little did they know, their seemingly gentle, pretty, elegant manager actually quite feisty. They think they know their manager quite well, but they only know the facade behind that beautiful face.

That's right, she is pretending. As for why, we still have a long way to go before she'll revealed the reasons why.

At 6pm Shi De went straight home. She was pretty exhausted after using her magic to save the vendor last night. Using magic to do miniscule thing requires little energy but to deviate a sportscar from hitting intended subject required large energy. So she was planning to catch on some sleep. After showering, she happily shut her eyes.

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