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Liwei is closing his eyes but from a slit of his eye, he can see Shide is uncomfortable and looking like a meerkat. He nearly laugh but suppress himself. His careful plan couldn't be interfere. So with an iron grip of his heart he pretend to sleep while the other is turning to a meerkat.

******* The next morning... *******

9am that morning Liwei arrived at his  office. Well, to be precise the office he snatched from Shide and now is sharing it with her. Shide akwardly stand and with a slight bow greet him. He just nodded with ,"en.. morning" and went straight to his desk.

They started working and stop talking altogether till lunch time. When Shide wanted to go out to the cafeteria, Liwei open his mouth, "Where are you going?".

"...to the cafeteria for lunch", Shide replied. She didn't have appetite to eat that morning since she knew Liwei will be sharing her office. Think about how awkward it will be, Shide just want to cry. Why oh why did she bullied him?

Liwei's face darkened, "Every lunch, study the spell book. Compensation".

"But I'm hungry Ceo Wang", Shide nearly pouting but held herself in check and stop herself in time. And that exact time, Ceo Wang's assistant come in with 2 lunch boxes. The assistant is actually puzzled with how Liwei was acting. Before he wouldn't even spared any woman a glance moreover having lunch with a woman before. So, why is this manager any different from the other woman?

He looked at Shide while arranging the dishes on the coffee table. 'Dark eyes, long lashes, pretty pink lips, straight nose and elegant short cut hair. She is not bad. She's in fact beautiful'. He even knows that the museum's employees practically worshipped this goddess. He wouldn't deny, he thought the ceo would end up alone or even just marry for convenient.

"Sit and eat", with a flip of his hand his assistant go out from the office.

Feeling indignant, Shide sit and quietly eat the lunch box. Liwei is not happy. Now during the so called 'company compensation' Shide just feel tired. What 'do this, fly that, do this spell and do that?!'

But she just keep it inside and keep telling herself to be elegant. Elegant your head! Where will she appear elegant if the room looks like it was hit by tornado? Luckily Shide is a witch. So, with a snap of her fingers the room turn to normal. And at this time, an employee enter the office. But seeing Shide and the ceo looking suspicious, it wakes up her gossiping instinct. They are sitting so close on the sofa. There is another sofa in the office but why did they want to sit that close? Oh no! Goddess Wu will be snatched! She was feeling pretty conflicted. In one hand she was feeling like something has been taken from her and on the other hand, she just wants to gossip!! So after the approval from Liwei she went and gossips with the other staff.

Meanwhile the 2 oblivious victims in the office are diligently studying the spells.

After lunch, they both casually sit at their place and continue working... silently. If other people see this they wouldn't believe the hot new gossip.

At 6 pm, Shide stretched her neck with a "PRAKK" sound.

"It's a wonder how your neck is not broken till now", said a voice.

Turning her head she just realize that there is another person in the office. Knocking herself mentally, she scolded herself, 'why did you forget that this mensoa Ceo is still here?'. With a forced smile, she said, "Ceo Wang you are still here".

"...", then she stand up and said, "well, then I will be going first Ceo"

Liwei started standing up and said, "I will send you".

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