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Former Name: Crimson ???
Sith name: Darth Barren

Darth Revan
Darth Traya
Darth Nihilus
Darth Vectivus
Darth Plagues
Darth Sidious

( i know you Star Wars fam out there will love this combination)



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Personality: cold and distant, doesn't care for others and admires anyone who is worthy to be his equal or rival
Likes: likes torturing, killing and making people fear him
Hates: his family, weak people and having to help people that can't help themselves

Crimson, young boy that gets abused and neglected gets enough of everything after and incident. He then discovered he has an extraordinary power. He will then use it to escape and become one of the most powerful beings to ever exist.

I don't want to spoil everything now do I? Ima let that there, hope you can wait, I know I don't.


The Days of Old( Neglected and Abused reader) Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now