Chapter 19: The After Math

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One week after the fall of Beacon

3rd person POV

People can be seen standing around the remains of Beacon. They are all gather to what it seems to be a ceremony in the outskirts of the School. The ground in front of them seems to be tempered with. Then everyone look at each other and think. They think of what to say. Team RWBY and JNPR can be easily identified. But we can see one problem. One member is missing. The Spartan. As we get a closer look we can see four people approaching the tempered ground. We can see clearly as day and identify Ruby, Weiss, Willow and Barren. The girls started crying. But Barren didn't. Barren was covered by a cloak. Only the mask visible to everyone. Barren for a second kneeled and after a minute or two turned around and started walking. All three girls followed shortly. Then everyone shortly separated. They all started talking to each other surprised of what happened. But then Willow approached Barren.

Willow: ready?
Barren: yes

Then Barren slowly takes the helmet off. We see those bright green eyes but this time Long crimson hair. We see Pyrrha in her brother's armor. Taking it like his brother did with his mentor. Cause deep down she accepted him as her fist mentor. Following her brother's tradition until she died.

Ruby: wait!!!

Both Willow and Pyrrha take a moment to hear Ruby out.

Pyrrha: yes Ruby?
Ruby: would we meet again?
Willow: only time will tell, I wish you luck on your travels Ruby
Ruby: same...also thanks for the gift

Ruby then opens her cloak revealing a black and red phase 3 armor.

Ruby then opens her cloak revealing a black and red phase 3 armor

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(No helmet)

Willow: that's not a problem...happy to help

Then they both looked at each other. An awkward silent filled the air. Then Willow hugged Ruby, she was surprised by this. But she rolled with it. She then looked at Pyrrha.

Ruby: aren't you gonna miss Jaune?
Pyrrha: sorry...but this is my destiny...I need to know more about my brother, that's something I can't pass on.
Ruby: it's ok

Then they both hugged and said their goodbyes. After they were gone and were sure the bullheads were out of sight, Willow ordered the clones to bring their ship down.

Pyrrha: what's this for?
Willow: ready to see your Empire?
Pyrrha: my Empire?
Willow: yes

She then gave her a lightsaber. Pyrrha was surprised. Her brother's purple saber. He rarely used it.

Willow: it's yours now...come on let's go

They then both got into the ship and it started flying. After a few seconds Pyrrha got confused after she saw they were gaining more altitude my the second.

Pyrrha: Willow...where are we going?
Willow: Home

Ruby POV

We were all in the ship. No one said a word. We didn't want to. We all loved him, some fear him but others respect him. Jaune is bias with Barren, but I can't change him.

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