Chapter 10

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Crimson POV

I was called to Ozpin's office for god knows what reason and I complied with it. I was sitting there for at least an hour until the elevator arrived.

Ozpin: sorry I took so long something important came and I had to take care of it
Crimson: what seems to be the problem?

Ozpin then looked at me and then activated a hologram. He started looking through the files with a concern look on his face.

Crimson: what ever it wasn't me
Ozpin: no is not that, one of my spies told me that the enemy might be in Beacon's soil...I just wanted to hear your it is

He then showed me the files of a braking that occurred during the party.

Ozpin: this happened while you were away, but the thing is that the leader...Ruby Rose which I'm sure your Familiar with told us something about a camp outside of Vale
Crimson: you want me why?
Ozpin: i want you cause your one of the best, and I think you can pull this off
Crimson: that's a lot of faith to have in one, do you wanna do this solo or a team of professional trained Hunters?
Ozpin: you can take your men, I don't care the methods as long as you can assure the safety of my kingdom

He then emailed me the instructions. It was a missing to the Southeast of the kingdom.

Crimson: is this all?
Ozpin: I'm afraid if you excuse me, I have a speech to do

He then got out of his chair and walked away. I was left with an important task to do. And I was not gonna disappoint. So I gave Alex a little call.

Crimson: Hey Alex, how do you feel about doing a small job?

Time skip docks

I was waiting for my carrier ship to arrive and I saw team RWBY, JNPR and Willow walking towards me.

Ruby: oh my god Barren!!! We have a mission!!!
Crimson: you do?
Weiss: yes, we are heading towards the Southeast as we speak

Interesting, so he has send them there too, I need to start keeping an eye on Oz.

Then my ship arrived and Alex came off of it with 3 clone commando and 5 death troopers. As soon as Blake saw them she froze. I walked towards her and she didn't notice me. I snapped my fingers and nothing. Strange.

Crimson: what's her deal?
Yang: I don't know

Alex: sir I have brought the finest man in my Corp, Jack is gonna be in charge of the death troopers
Crimson: good, now let's go

I then saw the teams waiving at me and then we got out of there.

Weiss POV

Ruby: where is he going Willow?
Willow: I don't know
Weiss: what? He's your master and you don't know?
Willow: look, he does stuff like this all the time

Pyrrha then sigh out loud and spoke;

Pyrrha: that's Crimson alright

But then Blake made a question that surprised all of us.

Blake: Willow, how well do you know Barren?

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