Chapter 2: The beginning of the end

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Crimson POV

Alex: my Lord...what should we do?
Crimson: let's be rational... like Vectivus did, let's take our power, what year is it?
Alex: give me a minute

Time skip 1 minute

Alex: 2008 my lord

I have been alive a long time, I have seen and out live empires and your telling me I traveled back in time to see my sister turn 13? This has to be a cruel joke.

Crimson: Hey Alex
Alex: yes
Crimson: can we start a new batch of clones?
Alex: but my lord, they will not be on time
Crimson: accelerate their old friend showed me how to stop the aging process
Alex: REALLY!!!
Crimson: FOR FUCK....mmm...I'm next to you
Alex: sorry my lord...but who?
Crimson: general Rex
Alex: of course

I then started walking around the room thinking, how many clones should we make. If we invade by force we will end up needing more that what we have at hand. If...I know now.

Crimson: ALEX!!!
Alex: YES
Crimson: how much would it take to get a small battalion with 2 carrier ships?
Alex: I would say about...40 minuets
Crimson: good, I plan to stay for some time but we need to start creating capital
Alex: I see...should I stay in charge of the ship sir?
Crimson: take care of the empire if you want
Alex: sometimes I feel you just don't give a fuck

I then walked away heading towards the medical room.

Alex POV


Crimson POV

I was heading towards the medical room to see Willow. As I was heading there one of the Clones came up to me and took hold of my arm. By instinct I took my light saber and hold it to his throat.

Clone: s-s-sir
Crimson: what happened trooper?
Clone: I was just about to tell you that the girl has been stabilized and she's doing great
Crimson: oh, well it just happens that I'm going there myself
Clone: then follow me
Crimson: lead the way

I then followed the clone to the medical wing and then we went directly to the room where they hold the injured personal. She was heavily guarded with 4 clone guards holding the place. Thank you Alex. But for some reason seeing her like that made me feel awful, and full of hatred. Like someone should die for this.

Crimson: what's her condition?
Clone: she's ok, at the rate she's going I would say she will be back and going on a week
Crimson: that's great...anything else I should be informed of?
Clone: yes, I was also gonna inform you and captain Alex about the two rebels
Crimson: spill it out then
Clone: we think that the rebels were here since the beginning, they killed the Guards and switch places
Crimson: that's great...I'll be going now

Time skip hangers

I was now surrounded by my clones discussing how are we gonna approach the planet.

Crimson: ok...listen up, as much as I want to conquer that planet I have to say that we can' the moment at least. We have lost complete connection to the Empire, so my priority is to take care of the ship and personal in it * start coughing* except the storm troopers * stops coughing * so I'm gonna "sell them this new tec" to make a profit. Since we don't know their fuel and we don't want to put them on our level, so I ask, what's the next source of energy that's actually free?
Clones: ...* whispering * power
Crimson: exactly, now, me and Alex are gonna go down into that planet and sell to the highest bidder
Clone: but sir won't we need to have an identity for that?

Seriously he just asked that? I used the forced and choked him. Every clone were either scared of felt sorry for him. But since he's one of my men I let go of him.

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