Chapter 5: what am I ?

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3rd POV

Gunshot, explosions, the sound of warfare can be heard. Men calling for help from their comrades. Death can been seen in the form war, smelled in the form of blood, taste in the form of bitterness, heard in the form of shots and touched in the form of the coldness of your friends dead body. Darkness is the only thing that can be seen.

???:...I don't get it...
Crimson: save your strength...the doctor is on his way
???:your a Sith...but...most of the time your not like one
Crimson: I don't understand
???: that's the thing...your here...helping me, another would of discarded me
Crimson: you know my standards
???: yet you care
Crimson: the Sith care...they care for what they want
???: what was I for you?

One week before
Pyrrha POV

First day of school it's amazing, but kinda weird, we just woke up to the noice of a whistle. And now that we managed to wake up, me and my team are getting ready for the day.

Time skip 30 minuets

We were finished but then we heard a commotion outside.

Jaune: what's going on ?
Ruby: we're LATE!!!

We then started running heading towards our first class.

Time skip classroom

We were paying attention to mr Port class. It wasn't that amazing since he almost all the time is talking about his childhood. I couldn't hold myself but to space out. While looking around I noticed everyone here. On one side we had team Rwby with Ruby...well being Ruby and Weiss getting mad. In the other we had Barren and Willow. Barren...I think he's asleep, and Willow is writing everything that Ports says. Then we have other students doing their own stuff.

Time skip combat class
Crimson POV

We were at combat class, something I can finally do with out being bored to death. I know everything that has to do with this planet and...Galaxy...damn it, I missed the Empire. Wonder what happened with the Second Death Star, I wish I get to see it at full capacity. The empire has been doing great but those damn rebels, they cause more to the average person than what they cause to us. I won't doubt that if the Empire falls the public will hate the rebels. They are causing millions in debt and killing innocent bystanders. They are nothing more than a goddamn street shit gather to do what the-

Hot Willow: Mister Barren!!!
Crimson: Yes Goodbitc-Witch
Goodwitch: would you like to participate with someone today? You've seen pretty concentrate in something...what was it?
Crimson: how good you look
Goodwitch: you couldn't handle me
Crimson: Really?
Goodwitch: 100%
Crimson: the way I see it is...I have Willow over here,  let's see...Green eyes, Blonde hair, Pale skin...and what is this, she's WAY Younger
Everyone: ohhh

I can see she gets furious with me from the way her face got all red and she took me in her magic bubble and threw me in the arena.

Goodwitch: you will be fighting Miss Nikos for that

I then see Pyrrha get up and enter the Arena.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry this is the way we get to know the best of each other
Crimson: don't be, now show me what your made off

She came running at me to kick me but I intervened using my hand to block her kick. She then threw her shield and I deflected it. She then took her sword out and transform it into a gun. She started shooting at me and I activate my lightsaber. I burn every shot she shot at me. Everyone were surprised with my level of skill. She then forced pushed me...wait no...that's her, polarity. I think, maybe she can control metals. There's no telekinesis here, only magic. But I failed to notice that she took my lightsabers while I was thinking.

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