Chapter 8

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( question, do you guys prefer if I only write Chapter and nothing more or you guys prefer a chapter and a tittle?)

Pyrrha POV


We were on the brink of war against team RWBY.

Crimson POV

I was heading towards Beacon with Alex and Willow. Let's see how much have Pyrrha grow since I left.

Willow POV

I'm resting my head against Crimson's chest as we went down to the planet. Gotta say...weird heart pattern, it's almost as he had two hearts.

Alex POV

We were reaching Beacon and I'm thinking of a way of telling the Lord that the new batch of clones are ready but we don't have a place to station them. We can probably use that planet we conquered but then food will be a problem. Training, weapons, we haven't finished building the new base at its 100%.

Ozpin POV

I'm drinking at the moment a good cup of coffee as dear Dr. Oobleck was visiting.

Ozpin: do tell please
Oobleck: you see professor...I found nothing!!! Nothing on old believes and nothing from the books you gave me. They were quite old and I had trouble reading them but I didn't manage to find what you were looking for
Ozpin: what about something similar?
Oobleck: YES!!! Apparently there was an ancient class of warriors called Jedi!!! They were similar to what you asked to look on but they had only one goal, bring balance and peace to the universe...quite stupid if you ask me, we haven't had the chance to leave this planet...but I did find something else, fallen Jedis were cast away...they were mostly filled with hate, anger or something negative.
Ozpin: is that all?
Oobleck: sadly
Ozpin: you may leave then
Oobleck: thank you sir

He then ran off and I was left for myself. I couldn't stop thinking of what was crimson hiding.

Steve POV

I was cleaning the bathrooms room as punishment for not following Alex's orders. Gotta say, this is horrible but at least I'm not deactivating bombs. Then a few Clone Commandos enter.

Commando1: look who we have here
Steve: please guys
Commando2: how is it that your always getting in trouble for the most stupid reasons?
Steve: please...just leave me alone
Commando1: Fine...lets go
Commando3: don't be an idiot...there's slipping off and then there's going face first into trouble

Then they left and I was left alone cleaning the bathrooms.

Crimson POV

We just arrived at Beacon and we were walking towards the academy and to our surprise we found ourselves with Oz and Glynda.

Oz: hello there mr Baren, how are you?
Crimson: good Oz, by any chance do you know where Team JNPR and RWBY are?
Glynda: actually yes...we got called that they were having a food fight at the dining hall
Crimson: how bad can it be?

Time skip 5 minuets

I was dumbfounded...the entire room destroyed and after a few seconds pass I see yang falling down the sky.

Willow: you just had to ask didn't you?
Crimson: I...what is this?
Ruby: it was EPIC!!!
Crimson: was it?

She then looked around the room and see everyone either badly hurt or ok. Then she looked at me and stared nodding like hell.

Ruby: YES!!!

Glynda: children please don't play with your food
Oz: let them have fun Glynda....

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