Chapter 16

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Pyrrha POV

I was waking up by a small feeling in my shoulder. I woke up to see Jack jumping in my shoulder.

Pyrrha:Hello Jack
Jack: * croak *

He then flew to Crimson's bed so I ran and try to catch him only to find Willow and him topless in bed. I was shocked and embarrassed by the view. I started to back away slowly but I tripped over Ruby.

Pyrrha: Damn it!!!

Crimson POV

I heard a scream and quickly woke up. I then saw Pyrrha in the floor next to the wolf and the small nevermore picking on her head.

Crimson: you ok?

She then looked at me and started blushing.

Crimson: you ok?

She then nodded slowly but then I looked at myself and I was shirtless. I then saw at her and she was covering her eyes.

Crimson: oh grow up, we used to take baths together
Pyrrha: your not the problem

I then looked back and saw Willow. She was also shirtless. I think now I know the problem, so I threw the blanket over her and then got out. I saw my cloths in a nearby table and I took it. I then started dressing as I spoke with Pyrrha.

Crimson: so, what did I missed?
Pyrrha: not much, tomorrow we have the finals, team RWBY finished the doubles match today and we are moving to the 1v1
Crimson: great...what about Yang?
Pyrrha: Yang...she's been blaming herself lately
Crimson: good, it was her fault

She then looked at me pissed with a face of surprise.

Pyrrha: your joking right
Crimson: she almost killed me, good thing my clones fixed me up good, heck good thing I didn't had to use project Phenix
Pyrrha: Phenix?
Crimson: that's when-
Willow: I think that's enough

We then looked at Willow seeing she was up now.

Crimson: hello luv
Willow: ready to head out?
Crimson: yup

She then finished getting her uniform and we were about to head out. Until the door was shot closed by the Force. I looked to see Pyrrha did it.

Pyrrha: that's it? Your gonna walk away like nothing happened? I was by your side every day...and...and

She then started crying, but before she could say another word I walked her way and hugged her.

Crimson: I know, I saw it all, and I'm grateful, what about if we make a deal?
Pyrrha: what kind of deal?
Crimson: I'll tell you everything
Pyrrha: everything?
Crimson: exactly
Pyrrha: Fine, then tomorrow after I win the Vital Festival
Crimson: my word is my bond

We then walked away but then I heard from behind Pyrrha saying;

I love you

I was shocked. I thought I never heard those words from her again.

Crimson: love you too lil sis

Ruby POV

I was eating strawberry chocolate chip cookies but I then felt weird. But not in the weird way I feel sick after eating too much candy. I felt like my skin wanted to jump out, but I was not afraid, in the contrary, I felt extremely happy. Like if something good was about to happen. And then it happened. My body quickly stared at the dorms door.

Blake's mind

Ruby is acting like cat. Is she a Faunus? I knew she is something else. Wolf? Dog?

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