Chapter 3: Shadows

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( please reach until the end )

Crimson POV

Everything has been going great, we sold the Atlas army the ships they wanted, and we have used that money to create our own company. I called it SpaceX, we have created this "company" to research the outer space and help the kingdoms with their Aircraft designs. But in the Shadows I have been keeping my eye on one little girl, and if everything go as plan I will be her sponsor.

Pyrrha POV

I have just finished one of my tournaments and Dad told me that some nice people wanted to see me. So I followed him down to some office, but before I could entered I felt scared for some reason. I felt a really dark presence behind the door, full of pain and hatred, but at the same time I could sense happiness and joy. Not in bad way but as good, also I felt strange, like if I new that presence already. It felt familiar.

Dad: now Pyrrha, remember to behave and let me do all the talking, no matter what
Pyrrha: ok dad

We then entered and I saw them. One man in a business suit but the weird thing is he had a mask, made out of gold, it only covered his face, he had crimson hair and yellow eyes. ( I have a mask that I wanted to show you guys but Wattpad doesn't let me upload personal photos at the moment)

???: so...your the great and adorable Pyrrha Nikos I kept hearing about
Dad: of course, she's been talented and people have grown to love her
???: you don't say, so tell me who thought you how to fight like that?
Dad: her masters

Crimson POV

You don't say asshole, it was me who taught her how to fight.

Crimson: Really? Cause those moves remind me of an old friend of mine

I can sense he's getting nervous, all Mighty and shit what happened?

Asshole: she has a lot of teachers, maybe he's one of them
Crimson: probably, now, this next questions I want for Pyrrha to answer
Dick: of course sir
Crimson: now, if we do sponsor you, what will you promise to give us in return?
Pyrrha: I won't promise anything to big but I did learned something from my best teacher and that's to never give up and no mater what...follow your dreams

I was actually surprised that she answered like that, let alone put all my teachings in one sentence. Alex and Steve were surprised by the answer too.

Crimson: now for our last question, will you be willing to represent our company all around Remnant, we will make sure that you are well treated and too have personal guards 24/7
Pyrrha: I will
Crimson: awesome, you may leave now
Future prey: it has been an honor, hope to see you around, Pyrrha go on, let the adults talk now

We then saw how she said her goodbyes and existed the room.

Crimson: I doubt it...but she, she will
Prey: what's that supposed to mean?
Crimson: mister Niko, I met your son Crimson...he is my best friend, I'm taking Pyrrha under my wing cause he asked
Prey: so what your saying is...
Crimson: this is a gift from him to her, he gave her a future, not you...I suggest that you let this roll as it is, cause I have more than enough power and influence to put you away for what you did to my friend
Prey: understood

He then started walking outside with his head down. For some reason I felt some satisfaction inside of me.

Time skip one year

I'm currently in Beacon academy walking towards the central fountain. There I could see Professor Ozpin and his assistant Glynda Goodwitch. I brought a handful of my clones with me for reasons I don't know. They one day contacted me for my service but only ended up saying let's meet face to face. A lot of students were looking at us and whispering things like; if we were from atlas or radicals from some Faunus, to which I don't know why.

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