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After spending five years alone, Angel reveled in being handled with kid gloves.

No longer forced to drive, Angel loved being chauffeured even though she knew Cole's driver's license had expired long ago. After all, it was nice to sit back and allow her companion to drive her around, at least that's what she told him while smirking to herself.

To emphasize her glee at such ginger treatment, Angel reminded him of the driver's hat and suit she'd planned to buy for Cole since he did such an amazing job.

"I  can't wait to officially call you 'Jeeves'." Angel snickered as she made the ridiculous joke. She enjoyed teasing her man so much because he was usually the one who gave her a hard time.

Whenever she got the better of him, Angel watched closely until she pushed the man to his limit. It was easy to determine that she had gone too far the instant he gave her his infamous, 'keep on and you'll get it', glare.

At that moment, she'd stop playing games with him fully aware those games could land her in a world of trouble. The tenderness in her body was still a gentle reminder that Cole never played fairly. The last time she caused trouble, her man spent hours pressing her beyond her limits of pain-pleasure.

Angel would never deny herself his method of punishment since it satisfied a craving they shared for one another. However, she quickly pressed her index finger and thumb together as she mimicked the motion of zipping her lips shut. The subtle tenderness in deep inside whispered that she wasn't quite ready to challenge him again, and he knew it.

Cole wrapped his massive paw around her tiny hand in an act of possession as he slid her hand over to rest on his thigh.

The couple lost themselves in the outline of the fields surrounding the road as they made their way to town. Though it was still a bit gloomy as their eyes roved the tree line filled with the skeletal remains of dark brown and gray leafless foliage, the trip to town reminded them that spring was on the way as snow and ice melted to revel barren earth brown and straw colored fields as the couple covered each mile while enjoying the ride.

Once they made it into town, their first stop was the feed store. With a laundry list full of necessary supplies, they took their time to make sure all of the items that were required for the homestead and the animals was located, checked off the list, and purchased during that trip. The couple was in no hurry since they understood how the weather could turn bad at any moment leaving them snowed in for months without enough supplies to properly manage the farm.

Life in the hills up in northern Arkansas was a dangerous business for those who weren't prepared. Not everyone possessed the strength to live in remote places such as the little corner of the world where Angel had found a home.

As they walked around the store collecting their supplies, everyone was well aware of the unlikely couple who had been stuck to one another's hip like glue since the first time they rolled into town together.

The town's people had grown accustomed to the pair.

Angel recalled how they'd previously watched her every move when she first moved into the area. The suspicious glares would have frightened the average person, but Angel was so numb to the world that she hadn't a single care concerning those around her or their thoughts.

Though she wasn't from those parts and nobody could understand why she had always alone for a time, Angel's mind was too far gone to concern herself with the prying eyes of her new neighbors, but five years of observing her made a difference.

With time, the same people treated her with welcoming smiles and friendly conversation.

It wasn't too long after Cole rolled into town alongside her that those same people extended warm welcomes to him as well.

The Dividing Line: VENGEANCE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now