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After the accident, the number of people flowing in and out of her hospital room further pushed Angel to draw into herself. Since she was a child, it was her practice to seek out security in which she could place her trust. Were it not for the love of her grandmother and uncle, Angel might have disassociated herself from the world because people often revealed themselves to be deceitful in the attention they placed on her.

As she propped herself sitting up in the middle of her hospital bed, the young woman drew her knees in tight against her chest. Rocking back and forth, her mind fell apart little by little as she replayed the accident that had nearly claimed her and KB's life.


Her mind had chosen to bend into a mentally crippling downward spiral.

"Angel, are you okay?"

With her eyes locked on the TV, anyone entering her room would have been convinced that she was engaged in the antics of one of the numerous Real Housewives reality shows, but in truth, Angel wasn't in that room.

Though her body sat in the bed, her consciousness raced around seeking her soulmate.

The medical staff had yet to inform her of KB's condition. With no knowledge of how her man was fairing, Angel's anxiety pushed even further to the brink of insanity as she whispered his name to herself.

"Kyle, please come back to me. Please."

It wasn't until the nurse tapped her on the shoulder that Angel's released her from utter despair.

No one would answer her questions. They simply insisted that she needed to focus on getting better. Because the medical team refused to listen to her, they failed realize her peace of mind would be secured when she learned the status of her man. was first day, she could no longer handle being away from him without a word. Angel got out of the hospital bed and threw on another hospital gown to make sure she was appropriately covered. Though she had a few bruises, muscle pains, and some scrapes, she was relatively okay. Wearing a seatbelt saved her from being ejected or sustaining greater damage in the accident.

She called KB's cell phone. The first couple of times, it just rang and went to voicemail. Her imagination went haywire. Why wasn't he answering his phone? Angel became agitated and frantic. The phone was ringing for the third time and still no answer. When she was preparing to go off on someone, she was saved by the voice on the other end of the line.

"Angel are you okay?" She dropped down to her knees. Every terrible thought raced through her mind in a matter of seconds. Upon hearing his voice, she felt her nerves, as well as her sanity, began to fall apart. Tears streamed down her face.

"Where are you?" The words were muffled under tears and the thought of losing the love of her life.

"I'm in room 1426C." His voice was weak and did nothing to relieve her anxiety.

"Ok, I'm on my way." Angel stopped and asked a nurse to show her where his room was located. The lady attempted to convince her that she needed to rest since she was just in a major car accident.

"Look, lady. This man is my fiancé. Just take me to his DAMN ROOM!" She yelled frantically.

He looked somewhat smaller in the hospital bed. The distant look on his face changed the moment he saw her walk into the room.

"Do you know how scared I was? I went off on a nurse because I was so worried about you." Angel walked over to his bedside and lavished him with kisses. KB reached for her and pulled her on top of him. The hug was lung-crushing as he held her close. The sound resonating from his body cut deeper into her soul than anything that happened since the accident.

The Dividing Line: VENGEANCE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now