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"Angel do you love me?" The sternness in his voice was new to her ears. She turned to address him and saw a look of despair and desperation in his eyes and on his face. For a moment she didn't feel confident enough to answer his question. If she were to tell the truth, she cherished everything about him.

"Yes." Was the truthful answer she reluctantly gave.

"Then why would you say no?" His eyes sought an answer from hers.

"I don't know how I can fit into your world." She replied with a heavy heart.

"You asked me to ignore my wealth and be myself. You asked me to meet you on your level and bring damn near nothing but myself into our relationship. Can't you see that I am not my money or my family? I'm me. I'm the same man you just spent the last 10 months with as an everyday average person." KB spoke as he crossed the short distance and pulled her close.

"This is not just about you and me. What about your family and all the people you socialize with? All that stuff is foreign to me. I don't think I can live in that world. I don't think I can deal with that kind of pressure." Angel shivered as the thought of living in a stupid horrible soap opera raced through her mind.

How in the hell could he propose to her? They were from two completely different worlds. Being with him was one thing but living around and interacting with fake and unfriendly people was not in the cards for her. Those people were cut-throat, and they would make her life a living nightmare. That was by no means the life she dreamt of for herself.

"Why can't you just love me for me and not worry about anything else but being with me?" Tears welled in his enchanting eyes. Angel was by no means equipped to defend herself against this bewitching man. She knew for some time that she was in love with him.

The days moved on and she moved with the flow. Never did she reveal how she felt for fear he would believe she was trying to pressure him into marriage. Now, that he was baring his heart and soul to her, she truly loved him even more. The biggest problem with all of this was the fear she harbored. Fear prompted her to say no, even though her heart and soul cried yes.

"Baby, I love the breath you breathe. I love your heart that beats so lovingly for me. I treasure and desperately prize the red hair and green eyes that set you apart from most people and gives you the appearance of a mischievous sprite. God knows I love you, but I can't stand here and pretend I'm not afraid." Her dazzling coffee-colored eyes beheld all the fears and questions overflowing in her heart.

"Angel, I will spend my life loving you and protecting you. Don't you believe me? Can't you place your trust in me?" KB towered above her. At 5' she was dwarfed beside the 6'2" vision of the gods who hovered over her. There were many differences between the couple and yet they complemented one another in every way.

Throughout the exchange between the two, they forgot Slaine was in the office. He witnessed the range of concerns and emotions they shared. Awestruck was the best description for his interpretation of what was taking place. His friend never exposed his heart to anyone. To witness him place everything in Angel's hands, he wondered what he missed out on. She was always professional and very much the person he needed to take care of his clients, but he didn't bother to learn anything about her beyond her work performance.

For once, his eyes quickly assessed Angel and realized that even though she was thicker than what he liked in his women, she was stunning. As he watched his friend beg for her to accept his proposal, he realized he seriously undervalued her. When he glanced at the couple, they were locked in a passionate kiss that stirred something in him. Slaine quickly looked away. The only reason he didn't leave was that he knew there would be questions and so did his friend. He was here to verify the validity of this proposal.

"Okay, guys. You two are making my stomach turn." He lied with a disgusting smile. They were lost in one another's eyes. KB pecked her lips lightly as if he were trying to reassure her that everything would be okay.

"If you two don't calm down, I'm putting both of you out of the building. If I had the slightest idea this would be going on, I would have run in the opposite direction." Slaine continued to exaggerate his displeasure with their display. The corners of his eyes were crinkled in a little smile which gave away his true position regarding the situation.

"Do you love me, Angel?" KB held her close as he awaited her response.

"Yes," Was her timid reply.

"Angel please marry me." She could see his heart as he pleaded with her.

"I'll marry you." Her smile lit up the room and pulled KB from the brink of insanity.


Time flew by as they prepared for their wedding.

KB introduced Angel to his family and even though there were definitely some people who were less than enthusiastic about their relationship, his parents were excited to hear he'd finally decided to settle down.

They were nothing like she imagined. Mrs. Prichard called her daily with one request or another. Angel showered her with attention and affection. They went out to lunch and occasionally went shopping. Apparently, her children never made time for their elderly mother. When the other children heard that she was spending so much time with their mother, all hell broke loose.

Constantly, someone would pop up while they were on one of their outings. Angel tried to be understanding and not ruffle any feathers, but most of KB's siblings were rude. His sister Breane was by far the worst. She exhibited jealousy that was biting.

"Hello, Angel." The voice grabbed her attention.

"Hello, Breanne. Nice to see you on such a beautiful day." Angel attempted to engage in pleasant conversation.

"Why are you always flitting around our mother like a busy little bee who is attracted to honey, or is it money?" She questioned with horrible insinuations dripping from her words.

"Mrs. Prichard is tired of just hanging around the house. When she calls me, I take her where she wants to go. I don't see anything wrong with that." She locked eyes with KB's sister. For some unnecessary reason she was being a bitch, but little did she know, it wasn't in her nature to back down.

"Breanne, if you just came here to start something just say good day. I will not allow you to attack Angel. She had done nothing but make me laugh and keep me company. Even your father enjoys our outings because Angie knows some of the best places for old folks to hang out." Mrs. Prichard defended her, and it touched her heart. This was the very thing she feared the most, but she knew she couldn't show fear or this behavior would get worse.


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