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"I have a congenital heart defect. Shortly after I was born, I was diagnosed with an atrioventricular septal defect or AVSD. Even though my parents spent ridiculous amounts of money to fix me, there was always a chance that my heart could become weakened because the surgeries are never 100% guaranteed." He stopped briefly.

"Before the accident, my doctor advised me that it may be necessary to place me on the organ donor's list. I didn't inform my family because I don't want them to do anything shameful to try and help me. I'll wait patiently like everyone else, and I'll make the necessary changes in my life to get through this." The resolve in his voice was admirable.

"Angel, I need to know if you are willing to stay with me? Help me? Be by my side?" He posed the question with bated breath.

"Baby, you know I'll do anything for you." She whispered as the realization of everything hit her. It was possible that he could die. At first, the thought didn't seem real. She held onto him tighter. They nearly lost one another in a terrifying car accident and suddenly he admitted that he could still be taken from her. The thought brought on a flood of tears.

She never meant to fall in love with Kyle Prichard. It was never her intent to do that. How could she not love him? He was an amazingly funny and humble man. He was also a good person that most people knew nothing about. KB was nothing like she imagined he would be. He was the humblest guy she knew, and she loved that about him.

KB was always viewed as the picture of health. He had the body of an Olympian. Hell, he had the body of a Spartan. The man was a gift to the eyes of women. He was so sexy, it was a shame for anyone to be so alluring. He was also on his dea... She couldn't say it or think it. Thoughts swirled around her mind as she unconsciously wrapped her arms around him to hold him close. Angel didn't want to let him go for fear he would disappear.

When she first agreed to go out on a date, she never imagined she would fall in love with him. She figured it would be one date and that would be that. His reputation for running through women made her wary of going anywhere with the adorably sexy redhead.


Wealthy people had weird proclivities and she wanted nothing to do with that.

"KB what are you doing?" Angel asked in shocked dismay when her client walked around to her side of the desk. She wasn't sure what was going through his mind, but she was a few seconds away from kicking his ass out of her office. Why did men think they could do whatever they wanted to do? Yes, his net worth was $165,723,081.49 to be exact, but she wasn't a gold digger, so she was NOT impressed. With the ten restaurants he owned and other sundry businesses, KB was easily worth a little more than a quarter of a billion dollars. None of that gave him the right to invade her personal space.

"Angel, please stop playing games with me. I've asked you six times to go out with me. I promise I will be a gentleman and we can go where ever you want to go." He was far too close for comfort. Logically, it made no sense for this man to want to take her out on a date. For a moment, she allowed her eyes to consume the most viral man she had ever seen or met.

Kyle Blaze Prichard or KB as he preferred everyone to call him was every bit of 6'2" and 214.2 pounds of lean muscle. This man had a body that was made for the most salacious sex known to mankind. With fire red deep wavy hair and the darkest emerald green eyes imaginable, he was a walking sin waiting to happen. The man was unnervingly gorgeous. Angel was nowhere near crazy enough to believe he was interested in a five-foot-tall, chunky-dunky, black woman. In her lane, she was a catch. She wasn't poor by a long shot, but his worth was four thousand times that of hers. She was a genius with math and four thousand to one didn't make sense.

Angel was by no means unattractive, but everybody had a lane and Dammit, she was certainly not in the vicinity of KB's lane. They were completely different. He hung out with the rich and famous. The women he dated were supermodels. Why in the name of all that was good would he want someone who was a well-known homebody? What if he was trying to use her as one of those rich people's sacrifices or something? Angel shook her head, no. No freaking way was she going to be tricked.

"Please. Just one date. I promise when you get to know me, you will change your mind instantly." The puppy dog eyes made her want to scream. Why did people do that to get their way? How could she turn him down with his sexy ass? Shit... shit... shit. This wasn't fair at all. She told herself. It had been so long since she even thought about going out or getting some. Not to mention the fact that Angel knew KB very well and he never gave up on anything he really wanted. Everything in her body told her to run away, but how often would an opportunity like this come her way?

"KB, if you step out of line, I'm gonna kick your ass. No matter how much money you have, I promise you a real ass whoop'n if you do anything remotely crazy. I'm telling you right now, so don't act like I didn't warn you." She gave him the same serious face she gave him when he made a stupid purchase and then came to her for advice after he'd already made a poor choice.

"My sweet little Angel, I promise you won't regret it." His thick country voice was full of humor as he chuckled at her cute little threat.


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