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They enjoyed a long hot day walking around the Dallas Zoo. After visiting every exhibit, the couple was exhausted.

"What do you want to do now?" KB asked her.

"Let's go swimming. This heat is excruciating." Angel fanned herself to no avail.

"That sounds good. I know the perfect place." They walked over to his Jaguar XJ50. The driver opened the door as soon as he saw them closing in on the car. Walking around the zoo was fun but she was hot and tired. They rode in silence as they rested up a bit from the trek.

He reached for and studied the small hand that was the color of milk chocolate brown mixed with a hint of roasted red paprika. She was far more beautiful than he first realized when he first met her. Something about her always enticed him. Angel was brilliant and incredibly humble. Long black natural hair fell just below her shoulders in a braided ponytail. Her work attire was always classy and chic, but very professional but she was casual on their visit to the zoo.

While visiting the zoo, he tried everything in his power to focus on the exhibits and the animals. His eyes refused to listen to his brain. They were fixed on her. Angel normally didn't reveal as much skin. KB knew she was dressed to better handle the summer heat, but his body was losing its battle to behave as he noticed how satiny soft her hot chocolate skin was. The main battle presented itself as he observed her movements throughout the day. Visions of the way she moved were making him lose his mind.

The sleeveless tank top, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes made her look adorable when he picked her up a little after 10 am. After walking around and following her from one exhibit to the next, he found greater fascination in monitoring the sway of her hips and the curve of her thighs. He found himself tracing the generously sized breast hiding behind her shirt. Angel's voluptuous body drove him crazy the entire time they were at the zoo. He could think of better activities for them to engage in.


KB remembered the first time she walked by him.

He couldn't resist the view of her in a dark blue business skirt and jacket suit which stopped just above her knees. He tried not to stare at her, but something about her excited him. The suit was tailored to fit her curves. With every move of her body, he desired to see what was under those clothes. He smiled as he remembered how he tried to openly flirt with her and she ignored him.

As she sat in his car, the only thing on his mind was the same thing he thought when he saw her in the suit, he desperately wanted to get her out of those clothes. He tried to respect her and not mention sex or hint about it, but they had been dating for a little over three months and he was starting to lose it a little when she was near him. Because they spent all of their free time together, he was starting to feel anxious. Angel lay her head on his shoulder and drifted off.

"Baby wake up." KB gently massaged her arm to stir her. She turned her head and peeked at him through one eye. She stretched like a kitten waking from a nice little nap.

"Where are we?" The muffled question eased out as she yawned.

"My house." He said with mischievousness in his eyes.

"Okay." She said with uncertainty laced in her response.

They exited the car and KB escorted her into his home. She previously managed to make up every excuse in the book for not visiting his home. Finally, he was able to walk her through the doors of his little piece of heaven. For ten years he maintained a residence in the Bluffview Community of Dallas, Texas. He went straight to the kitchen to advise his kitchen staff of the evening meal. Angel walked with him not sure what else to do. A long hall lay in front of them. At the end was a beautifully decorated room. It was huge, spacious, and inviting. When she took in the masculine feel in the room, she realized they were in his bedroom.

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