| 12 | (BWWM)

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****Please be advised, this chapter is dark and very heart-wrenching.****

The room was full of broken people. The people were dressed in black and filled with the worst kind of sadness caused by broken hearts. A beautiful life was lost too early. Not one person in the room could understand how something like this could happen. The tears flowing and the different sounds of different people crying were surreal. Angel was numb.

She knew someone brought her here, but she couldn't remember any of the basics. She couldn't remember getting out of bed. She couldn't remember getting dressed. She couldn't remember leaving the house.  She couldn't remember how she got to this room with all these crying people.

No more tears would form in her eyes. She could feel nothing. Her perfect world with her perfect man was shattered into an infinite number of pieces. Angel had one simple request which God refused to grant. If only she could have died with her sweetheart. If only they could have closed their eyes at the same time. Why would God leave her here without him?

She lost the man she would die for and she lost her sweet grandma. What had she done so wrong to deserve this much pain and suffering? She stayed by his side and could not say goodbye to the woman who protected her life. Why was she forced to choose between the man she loved and the woman who raised her with all the love she had in this world?

The people sitting in the room were in pain, but Angel had nothing left. She was barely walking. If it weren't for Kyle's parents sending someone to pick her up, there was no way she would have made it here. Honestly, her spirit was far away from her. She was an empty shell.

As she sat in the cold room waiting for the reason she was summoned to the office, she heard his voice. The dam she thought was completely secured and the tears she was sure had all dried up sprang a leak.

"Mom and dad if you are watching this, I guess it means I didn't make it. Mom, please don't cry. There was nothing anyone could have done to save me. I found out too late that my heart deteriorated and there was nothing more to be done outside a transplant. I got on the organ transplant list and waited patiently. I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want anyone to do something stupid. Money can't buy everything or at least it shouldn't be able to." Kyle was laughing at himself. Angel moved a little closer to get a better look at his face.

"Angel, baby come closer. I know you're probably hanging in the back. I want everyone to see the woman who made my life so much better. You guys better be nice to her or my ghost will haunt each and every one of you." Kyle was always a joker. Even in death, he was trying to lighten the mood.

"I need everyone to understand that Angel truly loves me. She didn't care about my money. Hell, she wouldn't even allow me to spend money on her. Every day I spent with her was full of laughs and the most uplifting joy. I experienced the most amazing love with my Angel. She saved me." She did as he requested. Her eyes were fixed on the vision of Kyle. She reached her hand out to touch the screen hoping to feel his warmth one last time. Her hand was met with the cold foreign material. That's when it really hit her that he was gone. Forever.

If only she could pull him out or even go to him, but she couldn't get to him. The leak was a full-fledged flood. Angel fixated her eyes on the TV screen, but Kyle's words were now distorted. She could only see the face of the man she loved more than anything. Her chest hurt as if it would explode. As she stood before him talking to her as if he were still in the room, everything went black as she collapsed in front of everyone.


She recalled it like it just happened.

"What's wrong with her?" The woman's voice posed the question to someone outside the room. Of all the people, it was Breanne's voice that she heard outside her door.

"It looks like she is dehydrated and malnourished." The male voice stated.

"How is that possible? She's a big girl. How could she be malnourished." Breanne's rotten ass questioned impatiently.

"The body is not made to go for extended periods of time without food and water." He replied.

"It may be because her fiancé died. She still hasn't accepted that he's gone. We were at a reading of his will when she collapsed during the playing of the video he recorded." When Angel heard those words, she closed her eyes and willed herself to just die.

Laying in the hospital bed, she saw the smile on her grandmother's face when she introduced KB to her for the first time. He was quickly accepted by her family and treated as if they had known him his whole life. They made trips to her grandmother's home and his parent's home periodically as they prepared for their wedding.

As she lay in the hospital bed, memories raced through her mind. She saw them together. She saw him after receiving her grandmother's blessing. God help her for remembering the last day he kissed her in the hospital. It was after the car accident.


It was something that only death could bring to life.

"You know I will never stop loving you, don't you?" His question seemed kind of strange at first.

"Yes. Baby. I know I'll never stop loving you." Angel smiled at him. Kyle Blaze Prichard closed his eyes with a smile on his face. She was fixed on the angelic appearance of his face. She kissed both of his eyelids and prepared to go to the chair and sit down.


"KB... Kyle. Baby. Talk to me please." Angel screamed his name. In her heart, she knew he was gone, but she couldn't let him go.

"Kyle, baby please don't leave me. Please ... baby... please. You promised you wouldn't leave me. Oh my god. Somebody help me!!!" The scream heard from his room left those close enough to hear it horrified. It was a blood-curdling scream.


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