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Pleasure drove her temporarily insane.

"Angel, I need you to submit. Now." The threat was whispered with a hint of peril laced in the words. She hesitated and as she fixed her lips to say no, the power and force he used to show her another side of himself was brutal. Fuck. Oh fuck. The pain stole her sensibilities. She begged for more as he pounded her pussy with a viciousness that was criminal and delicious at the same time.

A carefully veiled line between pain and pleasure was distorted as he pulled her head back by the chin. Pain swelled in her loins and spread throughout her body. It was the craziest thing she ever felt in her life. One moment he was beating her kitty in a way that made her want to plead for more. With the slightest adjustment, he showed her what happened to people who defied him.

"I submit. Oh god. Baby. Please stop. Please... please. Oh my god. I submit." Even though she gave in to him, he continued to punish her. His hand slid down to toy with her swollen rosebud. The act that was pure unbearable pain morphed into a savage primordial pleasure that consumed her body in a white flame of desire and heat.

Angel was a control freak in many ways. Cole was obsessive and compulsive in many ways. They managed to have a deep and meaningful relationship because someone had to allow the other to lead. They were equally accustomed to leading others in their previous lives. When he required her submission, it was more than sexual submission. It was all about trust. The trust of one dominant person's abilities to lead another.

The information she shared with him made him feel the need to assert himself as the dominant force in their relationship. She enjoyed pushing Cole's buttons. Even though she had no problem with him leading her, she had become addicted to the extremely masculine power he exuded.

She was addicted to Cole in every way. Angel's body reacted to his form of discipline in violent jerking motions as an orgasm blocked her ability to comprehend any other sensation outside of the deluge which consumed her.


The morning was beautiful.

She woke up in bed. Angel remembered falling asleep on the floor. Cole must have taken her into the bedroom. Her mind speculated what happened. Her eyes struggled to open from the deep sleep she was enjoying, but her body told her it was time to get up. Her honey wasn't in the bed. Messed-up covers reflected that he threw his side of the blanket on her to keep her warm.

She grabbed her robe and went to the kitchen. There was no Cole. Why didn't he wake her? He knew she hated it when he did all the choirs by himself. From time to time, he would allow her to sleep in while he took care of the majority of their daily responsibilities.

Angel took a shower and got dressed. She noticed no food had been prepared. That was really strange. Cole always made breakfast before he got to work. There wasn't even coffee brewing. Wait a minute. A thought stopped her in her tracks. Panic rushed to every cell of her body. What if they caught him off guard when he went to get eggs or veggies to cook?

Angel grabbed one of the machetes, a 9mm, and the 30 alt 6. She wouldn't give anyone the advantage. The 30 alt 6 was a good long-range rifle and the 9mm was a good up-close and personal handgun. She eased out of the back door right beside the SUV. Making her way to the greenhouse, she heard more than one voice. They were screaming.

"Where is she you, fucking traitor?" The question was followed by what sounded like a slap. She noticed there was a silver vehicle parked in the front yard that looked like an older model Silverado. There wasn't anyone in the truck or standing around it. The same sound she heard moments earlier resonated from inside the greenhouse. She knew she had to get to him before they did more than just hit him.

She slid around her vehicle and found a position that was out of their line of view but allowed her to look directly into the greenhouse to see four men standing around Cole.

"You fellas have two seconds to get your sorry asses out of my greenhouse before I shot you dead where you stand." She called over to the men. They swung around to try to locate where she was positioned. The rifle was aimed at the short guy. He was the same stupid asshole who aimed the shotgun at them on the road.

"Look here you, stupid black bitch. I will fucking end you. I'll kill him and you too. I don't give a fuck who you think you are. Your black nigger ass is dead just as soon as we find you." The little guy spewed venom out of his pencil-thin lips as he spat the words out of his filthy mouth. Angel already knew what they were all about, so she wasn't affected by his words. One guy stepped out of the greenhouse and she shot him right between the eyes.

"The guy you just sent out is dead. If you don't bring your ass out with your hands up, I'm gonna shot you dead right now." She called out to them to assure them that she wasn't playing any games.

A red dot lined up with the center of Bruce's forehead. When he saw the light, he grabbed Cole and pulled the much taller man up from the ground to walk in front of him.

"You gonna have to shoot through him to get to me." A disgustingly sinister cackle could be heard coming from behind her man. She allowed them to walk toward the Silverado. As soon as they cleared her hiding place, she shot another guy in the head.

"I can guarantee you and all your guys will die today if you DON'T FUCKING LET HIM GO RIGHT NOW!!! I'll even give you the chance to get your sorry asses off of my property. Just let Cole go NOW!" She screamed. Angel lost two people she loved dearly. She couldn't imagine losing Cole. There was no way she would allow that to happen.

"Man let's go before this black bitch kills us. Fuck this shit. I didn't come all the way out here to die at the hands of some militant black motherfucker." One of his guys yelled as they eased over to the truck.

"Tim shut the fuck up. You are the biggest pussy ever. Why don't you just go kill yourself? Do you really want to let that coon get away with killing your brothers?" As he attempted to make his point, Angel shot the guy closest to the truck in the calf. Bruce dropped Cole dropped him and ran for his life. He grabbed his fallen friend and they jumped in the truck. They started the vehicle and squalled out of her driveway.

Angel ran over to examine Cole. He had received a few good licks.

"Baby, I'm okay." Cole hugged and kissed her. She helped him into the house to get cleaned up. Once they were organized, she locked down the house. He helped her load up two travel bags and a safe. They unloaded the guns but placed them in the back of the SUV along with the necessary ammo.

"We can't stay here. There's no way we can fight them out here." Angel and Cole loaded what they could into their vehicle and left knowing this was the beginning of the end.


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