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He believed she was some sweet little angel, but he had a warrior instead.

They rushed to secure the animals. As they unloaded the SUV, nerves were on edge expecting Bruce and his crew to show up at the house at any minute. They weren't too far behind them when their truck was disabled. Cole glanced at Angel periodically feeling a sort of apprehension that only he felt when he first met her. Why he felt so unsure of this new woman was the uncertainty of who she really was. Cole had always been a good judge of character, so he knew she wasn't a bad person, but he couldn't get over the overwhelming feeling that she hadn't told him everything.

They continued working side-by-side to secure the animals, the house, and the premises. Even though she never used the system, Angel showed Cole how to activate the electric fence she had installed shortly after moving to the area. There was never a need for it which was the reason it didn't come to mind.

Angel always worked with focus and determination, but today was different. She seemed to have switched to survival mode. He continued to observe her just in case something new came up.

"Cole. There's something more I need to tell you." Her big brown eyes stopped him in his tracks. She looked like a sweet little innocent girl, but it was difficult to know what she would say after what had already been shared.

"Baby, please don't hide anything from me." Worry consumed him. He had no way of knowing what she would say next.

"Have you ever wondered how I could live in this place without working or interacting with others?" The question she asked was genuine. It never crossed his mind how she was able to sustain her finances out in the wilderness. She didn't sell or trade anything. Even though the question may have crossed his mind, he didn't feel he was in a position to ask Angel.

"Honestly, the question has crossed my mind." He replied.

"When I moved here, I owned a million-dollar home, a restaurant, and a luxury vehicle. I left those things in Dallas, Texas when I decided I didn't want to live any longer. Once I came out of my depression and pulled my life together, I employed a financial firm, a law firm, and a management firm to handle my businesses in my absence. I meet with them once a month via Skype and I have a partner on the ground who oversees everything. My lawyer consults with my partner and the other firms to make sure no funny business is taking place." Angel took a break from her explanation to gauge how Cole was receiving the news. He held his face in his hands which prevented her from determining his mood. She decided to hurry and finish her revelation.

"I'm independently wealthy, so I don't have to work. The one restaurant became an extremely successful five-restaurant chain. I'm worth enough to never work again if I decide not to." The last words from her lips hit Cole hard because he wasn't sure how to take the information. He didn't want her to feel like she had to take care of him.

What kind of situation was this? He stumbled on a rich woman who could probably buy him over and over again. Why the fuck would she settle for him. He was a man who was literally covered in hate speech and yet she loved him regardless. When she kissed him, the Earth would spin off its axis. Without the newfound knowledge, he was happy and at peace with her, but what now?

They sat in awkward silence. Neither of them said another word. It was as if what she revealed to him was too heavy to carry. Cole wouldn't even look at her. He walked around with his head down and his eyes diverted at every turn. The man who was bold and demanding was behaving like a whooped puppy. The ambiance became so heavy and depressing, that Angel began to throw things.

"Cole what the hell is going on with you?" She stood before him. Even though she stood toe-toe with him, she had to look up to see his face. The anger in her eyes jarred him out of the mental anguish he suffered from his sense of inadequacy.

"Angel, I just need a little time to process all of this." He responded as he took note of the fire and the fierce look in her eyes. He caught himself smirking. Regardless of what she was, she was his woman. Before he had an opportunity to tell her that he loved her regardless of the information she shared with him, she went off on him.

"How in the name of beans and biscuits can you stop talking to me because I have money? That is the craziest crap I've ever heard or seen in my life. What difference does it make? I'm already carrying your baby. Are you gonna leave me for some ridiculous chauvinistic reason? Are you that shallow? Why won't you say anything?" At this point, Angel had worked herself up into a frenzy. Cole walked over and wrapped his arms around her to calm her down.

"Please, baby. Please. I'm not angry with you. I was just in shock. Why would I ever expect you to reveal everything you have shared with me today? Please understand you dropped a lot in my lap. I'm not in close contact with anyone who is wealthy. I have damn near killed myself my whole life to make the money I've made, and I can tell you I didn't do anything good to make that money. Please allow me to be shocked." Now, his hands held her face gently as he searched her eyes for understanding.

"Okay. I can understand how this may be a lot to process. I'm sorry for going off. You just kind of freaked me out." Her body needed his warmth. She leaned into his arms and held onto him as if he would disappear. Angel knew the truth. Even though she saved him when she found his wounded body left for dead, Cole also saved her.

He saved her from her past. His presence took her mind off her loss. His arms and body reminded her of what it was like to feel passion again. The way he adored her showed her what it was like to be loved again. Cole saved her from a self-imposed prison sentence that she handed down to herself when she originally relocated to a secluded place to take her own life.

"Angel, I love you. Nothing and no one will change the fact that I don't want to breathe if I can't breathe with you beside me. I need you. You are the best and most important person I've ever known in my miserable life." He forgot their situation as he began to remove her clothes.

She stood before him as naked as the day she was born. The only light in the house was from the flames that flickered in the fireplace. Within a matter of seconds, he stood before her as naked as the day is long. Cole eased her deliciously voluptuous body close enough to be under his skin. His hands caressed the phat ass cheeks that called his name often. He lifted her to sit on his lap as he sat down on the couch. He slid down to allow her to straddle him.

"Angel, I need you to completely submit to me." The husky voice was sexually charged with danger and pain. She leaned down to kiss his lips. Even though she knew aggression would be met with more aggression, she bit down on his lip and drew blood. In a way, she was mean because of how he was behaving earlier. On the other hand, she knew he would punish her. Cole would never allow anyone to control him. A bite was an act of aggression he would not allow her to get away with and she knew it.

"No. I won't submit." The defiance in her voice was her undoing and she already knew it. Angel wanted to submit to him, but she also wanted the punishment that came from misbehaving. No man ever attempted to push her to the limits Cole enforced on her. She was already wet just thinking about what he would do to her.

The moisture tricked down her inner thighs and instantly caught his attention. It was the trigger. He knew she was intentionally being naughty.

"I said you need to submit to me." His voice became deeper, more dangerous, and more imposing. He grabbed her hips and forced his swollen member as deep in her as he could with enough force to make her shiver from the swirl of pain and pleasure. Angel screamed. There was no doubt he would punish her. The how of his punishment wasn't easy to decipher.

Cole continued to dig deep into her center. Each painful thrust was a reminder of who he was and what he was capable of doing. She knew he was dangerous, but a willfulness in her would not allow her to stop antagonizing him.

"I won't submit." She cried. Angel felt her body lifted as if she weighed nothing. She realized he had placed her on the floor directly in front of the couch on her knees. Her legs were spread, and her boobs rested on the sofa cushions. He positioned himself directly behind her and kneeled between her legs.


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