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Barnabas Collins and Josette DuPres came back from the rocks below Widows' Hill soaking wet and freezing from the sea water. As they walked back towards Collinwood through the nearby trees, a figure disappeared through the front doors of the burning building that was bright against the night. A small huddle of three stood before the flames. The woman, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, was holding her fifteen year old daughter, Carolyn. Close beside these two was David Collins, Elizabeth's nephew and Carolyn's cousin. And, although only David could see her, the ghost of David's mother floated with them. As Barnabas guided Josette forward, Elizabeth spoke, nodding towards what was left of their home.

"Clementine went in there," she said breathlessly. "She wouldn't listen to us." A moment later, a familiar silhouette appeared out of the doors. Clementine looked almost untouched by the flames. Her red hair blew across her face, and her amber eyes burned like the fire behind her. Only the very edges of her scarlet dress and the toes of her leather boots were singed. Her golden gloves reflected the light of the roaring rage behind her. In her arms was the cracked, delicate body of Angelique Bouchard.

Clementine slowly walked down the steps towards Barnabas. She stopped in front of him and faced him. She then turned and placed Angelique's body carefully on the ground, turned again and was back in front of Barnabas. She glanced at Josette for a second before something hit her. Looking deep into Barnabas's eyes, she spoke in a hushed voice.

"This is your fault," she said quietly. Josette looked at her. Clementine ignored this. "If you hadn't quarrelled with her-"

"I wouldn't be here," Josette interrupted. "Barnabas saved me. Victoria is dead..."

"Almost like I seem to care," replied Clementine, with an air of one trying to keep their temper, still not looking at Josette. "Now she," she jabbed a finger at Josette. "And you... Are together, again?" Barnabas looked slightly surprised.

"You caught on quick. So I suppose you know this is Josette? No doubt your beloved Angie told you about her," Barnabas said, letting Josette thread her arm around his. Clementine decided that it would be best if she let her anger out sooner, rather than later, and saved a lot of time in doing so.

"She loved you, Barnabas!" Clementine shouted, her face flushing scarlet. "Yes, it's true, she hated you, for what you did to her, but she still wanted you!"

Elizabeth stared at Clementine, still clutching Carolyn. Barnabas didn't seem bothered by Clementine's yelling, and stood calmly with Josette almost behind him. He waved a hand in Elizabeth's direction, and his meaning was clear: go, leave this to me.

"You broke her heart twice over!" cried Clementine, nearly in tears, but still glaring fiercely. "And you offered her nothing, nothing, to help the pain!" Elizabeth, Carolyn and David had now disappeared, and now just Barnabas and Josette stood looking at an angry, miserable Clementine.

"But she did a great many things to me," Barnabas said coolly. "Killed Josette, and locked me in a box for two centuries. Then she has recently committed arson, by burning our cannery and house." Clementine glared at him.

"You have Josette back, and you only spent a hundred and ninety six years in that box," Clementine replied with equal chill in her voice. "Yes, she burnt your cannery and... I hate to break it to you," here she sniffed, "but I am responsible for the house." Barnabas looked curiously at her, and she pulled one of her gloves off as proof.

A small fire, not unlike the one that burned merrily close by, had formed in Clementine's palm. She grimaced at Barnabas, the tears seeping silently down her face making the grimace look weak.

"Pyrokinesis: I can burn anything I touch. Without these gloves, I could torch the whole town," she explained. Josette's jaw dropped. "Oh... I notice you're a vampire too, now?" Josette shut her mouth quickly, but nodded. Clementine's face flushed scarlet for a second, but it seemed she was keeping her anger in again and her face returned to its natural paleness. "I can also manipulate fire, but I can't absorb it." She pulled her glove back on, turned apparently to pick up Angelique, but instead turned around with such speed that Barnabas didn't know she had until her fist made contact with his face. He heard Josette gasp and the small sound of Clementine picking up Angelique's body and footsteps leading away.

When he straightened up, Josette was looking at him worriedly. He offered her his arm, and they walked down the drive of what used to be their home. At the gates, Elizabeth, Carolyn, David and Willie Loomis (the caretaker of Collinwood) had the car waiting. Barnabas and Josette squeezed in the back, which was difficult, and they drove off, leaving the burning remains of Collinwood behind.

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