Beautiful Mistake- Zarry Stylik Love Story Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! I don't know how you guys are liking the story so if you could can you please comment some feedback? ;) that'd mean a lot!

This part is dedicated to Liam and his kidneys!!! I'm so happy for him and he completely deserved it!

Anyways, here's the next part of the story :) x- Brooklyn


Zayn's POV-

The clouds floated by our plane as I listened to the light snoring of my boyfriend. His curls were tickling my neck but I didn't want to wake him up because he looked so peaceful and sweet. He's slept most of the flight. I watched his bare chest move up and down and fought the urge to kiss his abs. I couldn't. I bent my lips to his abs and kissed all up his stomach and chest. His eyes opened with a quiet moan.

Zayn: "Good morning." I smirked.

Harry: "Mmm..." His answer as I gave his soft neck a love bite.

Zayn: "You like that?"

I pulled him closer to me and moved my hand down to the waist of his boxers and ran my hand along it. He let out a low moan. I pulled away.

Harry: "Zaaaayn! Don't tease me! You know how bad I want you!" He whined.

Zayn: "Harry. You really didn't think we were gonna do it in the middle of a airplane did you?" I smirked.

Harry: "Well no I didn't think but I hoped. Haha."

Zayn: "Now it's my turn..."

Harry snuggled back up into my side and gave me love bites. It felt so good to have his teeth around the skin of my neck. He didn't bite down too hard but just hard enough to send a shiver down my spine.


When we landed in the US the airport was filled with hundreds of screaming fans. Harry walked up to a little girl with long, shining blonde hair and big brown eyes. She had tears rolling down her chubby little cheeks. Harry grabbed her hands.

Harry: "Babe? Why are you crying?"

Girl: "I love you so much."

He struggled to understand her thick southern accent. His hand ran down her small face and he wiped off her tears with one long finger. I smiled as me and the other guys noticed how adorable Harry was talking to the young girl. He hugged her and walked back to us.

Niall: "Wow. That was adorable. I think my heart just melted." He jokingly wiped a fake tear as Harry smirked.

Zayn: "Well looks like that little girl has your heart. I'm jealous." I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

Harry: "Haha yup because I'm now in love with a 9 year old girl."

He rolled his eyes as security rushed us out the door.


We snuck out a few hours before our concert. We were bored for god's sake, we weren't just gonna stay in the hotel room. After going into a few shops, meeting fans, grabbing Starbucks, and making a list of things we need to do before we leave tomorrow.

Harry: "Maybe we should head back to the hotel." He wrapped his full lips over his straw and took a sip of his orange drink.

Liam: "Harry's right. Management is gonna flip."

We all nodded and walked straight to the hotel, well except for the few stops we made for Niall to get food of course. I had my arm linked into Harry's and he sent me smiles all along the way.

We got back to the hotel with 52 missed calls and Liam decided to call them back. We sat while they told us in there threatening voices how irresponsible that was and how we need to learn the blah blah blah. I started tuning them out and looked at Harry. His pearly teeth were attached to his pink bottom lip. He looked so sexy. I felt a pair of eyes staring back at me as Harry noticed my stares.

Harry: "Hey. If you want my lips, just tell me." He whispered.

I shook my head as we all stood up to get a shower. Harry slipped his hand in my back pocket. What was this boy trying to do to me? Whatever it was, he did it so damn well.

Harry: "So. There's only one shower in each room so I was thinking maybe we could save water." He winked.

Zayn: "Really? So that's how you save water?" I raised an eyebrow amused.

Harry: "Well...for a horny teenager it is."

I slipped my room key out of my front pocket and pulled it into the door. It opened with a click. I watched Harry strip down to his boxers and run into the bathroom. Listening to the water running, I fought back the urge to jump under the shower with him.

Harry: "ZAYYYN!! ARE YOU COMMING??" I heard him scream.

Zayn: "Hmm...NOT THIS TIME." I yelled back as a smile turned up on my face.

I heard the water stop and Harry stomped out of the bathroom, his curls dripping with water and a towel tied to his waist. Little shiny droplets of water were rolling down his shinny skin. I wanted to lick them off...

He pulled a white t shirt and jeans from his suit case filled with nicely folded clothes. I watched the towel dropped to the ground and Harry pulled up a pair of black boxers.

Harry: "You are such a perv watching me dress!"

Zayn: "We are dating Harry. It was weird and pervy to watch you dress when we were just friends. Now it's just normal."

Harry rolled his eyes and finished getting dressed. I walked into the bathroom and ran the water. It felt so good as it fell down my skin. The California air was humid and the cold water was cooling me off. I heard muffled screaming from the room so I turned the water off and listened.

Louis: "I love you Harry! Can't you just admit you love me too!?"

Harry: "No Lou! I'm with Zayn, okay?! Even if I did love you I couldn't tell anyone because it would ruin our relationship!" I felt my jaw fall to the floor.

Louis: "So do you love me?" He asked quietly and I strained my ears to hear Harry's answer.

Harry: "I don't know Lou..."

I felt my heart drop. The answer I was waiting for was a straight up 'No!' and this answer almost tore me apart. I wrapped the towel around my wet body and stumbled out the bathroom. Harry rubbed his neck and glanced at me blushing. Louis pressed his lips together and started at his Toms.

Harry: "How much of that did you hear...?"

Zayn: "Just enough. Harry you said the kiss meant nothing! You said you were both drunk! You said you loved me! Lou, you said it was all your fault!" His face turned blood red.

Harry: "Zayn. I know what I said and none of it was a lie. It didn't mean anything because we were drunk."

Zayn: "So you're saying that if you were sober, it would've meant something..." I yelled sharply.

Harry: "No! That's not what I'm saying at all! I love you Zayn!" Tears filled his eyes.

Zayn: "No. That's bull sh*t. If you loved me, you wouldn't have done this." I said a little too rough.

Harry: "Remember when you hooked up with Perrie last month. I forgave you." He cried out.

Zayn: "Well we aren't the same person are we?"

I stormed to the door as I heard loud sobs and Harry collapsed onto the floor. Tears filled my own eyes and blurred my vision. I ran to the door of the hotel and just ran. I didn't know where but I was going far away before I did something I would regret.

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