Beautiful Mistake- Zarry Stylik Love Story Chapter 8

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A/N: So...this chapter changes POV in the middle again. I really hate doing that but again this was originally 2 different chapters. That's all I have to say :P comment! x


Zayn's POV-

I closed my eyes tightly as I felt a hand grabbed mine with a squeeze. I realized it was Lou. I smiled..well I tried to smile at him as we stepped closer to the open room. It was very big and very quiet. The only noises were the steady, comforting beep of the heart monitor and light breathing coming from the small figure on the white bed. I winced as we walked closer.

His curls were tangled together and fallen just above his red eyes. Hit skin wasn't its usual milky color. Instead it was a cold color white, making every little color stand out like his almost purple lips. There was a white bandage on his wrist that was resting on his bare chest.

I noticed every single one of us had tears in our eyes as we slowly made our way to the bed. It was like we thought any little movement could ruin something. I wasn't quit sure what though. Me and Lou sat on either side of him and the other boys sat on the end. I grabbed his still hand and held it as tight as I could, still being careful with him. I kissed the bandage and laid my head on his chest to hear his heart beat. To assure myself he's okay.

The comforting rhythm of his heart must've lured me to sleep. I opened my eyes and saw that the boys haven't moved. I wish I could've said different about Harry. The sun was shining through the window and I could tell it was around the afternoon. Liam was cuddled up into Niall on the couch, asleep. Niall was rubbing the older boy's arm as he slept. Sweet. Louis was on the other side of Harry. I watched as he flicked a curl out of the boy's eyes and fear filled his own.

Louis: "How'd ya sleep?" he sniffled.

Zayn: "Surprisingly good...How long was I out?"

Louis: "About an hour."

I nodded slowly and intertwined my fingers with Harry's. Of course his cold hands didn't move. I was just hoping though, that he would have the strength to squeeze back. The heart monitor had the same slow beeps and his blank face had no signs of improvement. I ran my shaking hand over my face and let out a sigh. Niall threw me a small smile as his eyes filled with tears. Louis walked and sat in front of me grabbing my hand. His thumb rubbed circles on my palm and tears spilled from my eyes.

Louis: "It's okay Zayn. He'll be okay."

Zayn: "This is all my fault! I shouldn't have gotten so pissed. I shouldn't have just left like that. I should've..."

I broke down into sobs on Louis's chest. I must've been loud because I heard a quiet moan from behind us and figured Liam had woken up. Then I felt something pinch my hand. It was a light squeeze, almost like the feeling of a small ant biting away on my skin. I lifted my head and wiped my blurry eyes with the back of my hand. I watched as the fragile boy's eye lids fluttered. They almost looked like thin pieces of paper. Niall carefully shook Liam and lead him to the opposite side of the bed from me and Lou.

Louis: "Come on Haz. You can do it..." He mumbled through his heavy breath.

Zayn: "Baby I love you. I'm here. Please just wake up." I felt even more drops of water prickle the sides of my eyes.

The usual bright green of his eyes has washed away and was replaced with a painful shade of green. But it was the most beautiful green. His lips curled up into the smallest smile.

Harry: "Z..Zayn..." His voice was raspy and weak but it made me smile.

Zayn: "Shh. I'm here. I'm never gonna leave you. Never again."

I pulled his hand up to my lips and gave it a few small kisses. Niall left the room to find a doctor and left us crying and exchanging hugs with Harry.

The doctor told us that we had to leave for a few hours while he took care of a few things. Liam laid a smile kiss on his forehead and whispered something to him. Niall did the same. They both left the room and I watched as Louis held his best friend in his arms. He was already sobbing and tears were sliding from Harry's eyes down his pink cheeks. Louis kissed the top of his curls and walked out leaving me with my baby.

Harry: "I..I'm sor..."

He sobbed and I ran to him pressing my lips to his softly. The kiss was weak since he wasn't exactly full of energy but it was still absolutely wonderful. I moved my lips up to his cheek and kissed away each salty tear that fell.

Zayn: "Now get some rest. Everything will be better soon. I promise."

I gave him one last hug and walked out into the waiting room with the rest of the boys.


Harry's POV-

After the guys left the room, I closed my eyes to get some rest. I was exhausted but for some reason I wouldn't let myself fall asleep. Occasionally, I would feel sharp pains in my wrist and I would be remind of all the events leading me to this point. I probably looked like shit because when the doctor came in he just sighed.

Doctor: "Harry. You need to sleep."

Harry: "I..I can't. Can you please get Zayn?" I begged.

Doctor: "Alright."

He walked out with another sigh and a few minutes later Zayn tip toed to me. He laid his body beside me and pulled me ontop of him. I smiled for the first time in a while. He kissed my neck softly and I looked into those big brown eyes that I fell into.

Zayn: "I'm never gonna leave your side ever again." He whispered. I love the feeling of his hot breath against my lips.

Harry: "I'm so sorry Zayn. I really love you. I don't love Lou. I was just..."

Zayn: "Shh..."

He cut me off by pressing his lips on mine. His fingers got lost in my curls as his damp tongue slid across my lips. I let it in and our tongues dance together. We pulled away, out of breath and lightly panting, just smiling. I felt my eye lids closing but I didn't wanna go to sleep. What if I didn't wake up? What if Zayn wasn't here when I woke up?

Zayn: "Just go to sleep, babe. I'll be here when you wake up."

He whispered as I'd he could read my thoughts. I closed my eyes as a cold hand slid down my cheeks. I drifted off to sleep feeling safe and in love.


The sun burned my tired eyes as I blind furiously to keep them open. I felt the soft skin under me move as I slowly lifted my head. It was still pounding but as soon as I looked at the boy holding me, it felt better.

Zayn: "Good morning sleeping beauty."

I smiled and he lifted my wrist carefully. He kissed the bandage a few times and I felt chills as he kissed up my arm until his lips got to my neck. Gosh, I've missed his love bites. I heard a small smirk from the doorway as a moan slipped from my mouth. I turned to see the other boys.

Louis: "Sorry for interrupting this adorable little...whatever...but the doctor wanted us to tell you that Harry is free to go later tonight."

Zayn: "Yay! My baby gets to go home...Now go away boys. We've got 3 days of love to make up for."

They rolled their eyes playfully and turned away. Zayn gave me a small wink and pulled me in by the waist. We just laid in the quiet hospital room, kissing. It felt like we were a new couple. It felt like we were starting over. I wanted to just forget the past and move on to a better future with my baby.

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