Beautiful Mistake- Zarry Stylik Love Story Chapter 9

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A/N: I decided I'm going to try and post a chapter everyday but I'll be busy once school starts and on the weekends I'll be with my friends and going to the football games so I might not write some days. But I'm sure you guys don't care haha. Here's the next part!

Harry's POV-

Zayn insisted on carrying me bridal style up to our hotel room. But I wasn't going to say no because I wasn't really up for walking. As soon as the room key clicked, he laid me on the bed and covered my bare stomach in sloppy kisses until his lips reached my neck. I let out small moans as he gave my neck small love bites. I felt his hands swipe over my zipper and before I knew it, we were both in our boxers. He switched positions so he didn't have to huddle over me on the bed and pretty soon we were making love...


Zayn's POV-

My heart was beating extremely fast as I waited for Harry's breathing to slow down. As soon as I felt him drift into sleep, I carefully untangled myself from his sweaty body. I tip toed into the kitchen area of our room and quietly started making some dinner. To be honest, I had no idea what I was making but I thought I'd surprise Harry. Finally, I put some tacos...well taco like things...onto a plate and walked back to bed. Harry's eyes fluttered open.

Harry: "Mmm. Something smells delicious." He sniffed.

Zayn: "I made tacos!...I think."

He laughed and took the plate. Surprisingly his face spread into a wide smile instead of the disgusted look I was expecting. I watched in amusement as he devoured the food and licked his lips like an adorable little boy.

Harry: "Mmm. That was so good!"

Zayn: "Haha yea I doubt it." I smirked.

Harry: "Well maybe it is just the fact I haven't eaten in like 3 days.."

Zayn: "Haha very funny." I mocked

Harry: "You have to try some yourself." An evil smile spread across his face.

Zayn: "I don't..."

I was interrupted by taco flavored lips pressing against mine. When he pulled away, he bit his lip. Damn why does he always have to do that? It's so sexy and always makes me want him.

Harry: "So I'm going to take a shower then I think I'm going to sleep for the night. I'm really tired." He striped down.

Zayn: "I need a shower too...but there's only one shower..."

He smirked and pulled me behind him into the bathroom where I got undressed. I watched as he turned on the water and made sure it was warm enough before slipping under. The way the little droplets slid down his firm arms made my legs go weak. I bit my lip and walked closer to his body so that we were both standing under the stream of water.

I won't get into all the details but lets just say we made getting clean a very dirty thing ;)

After throwing on a pair of boxers, we cuddled up in bed. It's been a long few days and it just felt good to be in each other's arms again feeling our hearts beat in synch. I lifted Harry's arm and he let me remove the bandage so I could kiss each cut, each scar. It sent shivers down my spin and I saw little goose bumps on his skin.

Harry: "Zayn?" He sounded a little...upset.

Zayn: "What is it Haz?"

Harry: "Whyd you have sex with that blonde?" I saw tears light up in his eyes.

Zayn: "I was just hurt. I needed you. It was so stupid and I felt horrible.." I wipped a tear from his cheek.

Harry: "Oh..I understand."

Zayn: "Now don't you cry, love. You mean everything to me and I never wanna loose you ever again. I'm sorry for everything that happened but from now on I promise I'll be by your side through everything. I love you so much."

With those words and a little kiss, we both fell into dreamland...


I woke up the next morning with a heavy feeling on my chest. I looked down at the sleeping angel cuddling with me. He looked absolutely adorable. The thick pink lips were slightly open as light snores slipped out. I noticed he had a small drop of shiny drool on his lip. That shouldn't be cute but it made my heart flutter. A few minutes later, his eyelids opened.

Zayn: "Good morning sleepy head." I smiled down at him.

Harry: "Hi." He whispered with a shy smile.

Zayn: "So we have a day off today. What do you want to do?"

Harry: "Can we just...stay in bed?" He asked slowly.

Zayn: "Of course babe."

We spent the rest of the day cuddled in each other's arms just talking. He dozed off a few times and I joked around saying I bored him even though we knew it was the medication he was taking.

The other boys were out clubbing so we were alone without any chance of them barging in on us. We sat on bed with our legs tangled together under the soft blankets, pizza and take out boxes scattered around us.

Harry: "Let's start over Zayn."

Zayn: "Ok...but it'll be pretty hard to go back to the X Factor and..."

Harry: "No! Not that! Let's start our relationship over."

I chuckled and pulled him so that his head was on my stomach and his body was rested between my legs. I stretched my arms down and intertwined our fingers.

Zayn: "I think that's a perfect idea."

He cuddled up closer to me and I fell asleep with my hands tangled in his soft brown curls.

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