Beautiful Mistake- Zarry Stylik Love Story- Chapter 17

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A/N: it took me FOREVER to post chapter 16 so I'm posting multiple tonight. So sorry for the long wait.

This chapter is a little dirty than my others. Mmhm i was having MAJOR Zarry feels. But yea I'm horrible at writing smut so I didn't take it far but hey I tried so don't judge ;P I wanna thank everyone who reads this story! So a 'massive thank you' ;)


Now I'll shut up so you can enjoy this chapter. xx


Harry's POV-

I stumbled downstairs still half asleep and rubbed my eyes. Once my vision cleared, I pulled out a pan and started scrambling some eggs. Suddenly, I felt cold arms around my bare torso and I jumped up, causing the pepper I was sprinkling to fly across the kitchen.

"Shit! Zayn you scared me!" I yelled as I felt a kiss against my neck.

"Hehe sorry." He whispered against my skin giving me goosebumps.

"Whatever. Now you don't get any eggs." I pouted, putting all the eggs in a pile on my own plate.

"Awe but Hazzaaaaa!!" He wined with a fake pout.

"Nope. Never. Uh uh. No way Jose-" A forkful of salty eggs cut me off.

"Quiet, you." Zayn pulled the plate to himself and jabbed the fork in.

"That is my eggs! I'm about to go all Niall on you!"

I defended as I pulled the plate from him. That caused the plate to fly through the air and little pieces of eggs got caught in our hair. Zayn started dying with laughter before tackling me to the ground and picking spongy egg pieces out of my hair. I decided to laugh back as he plopped the food into his mouth.

"Come on, Harry. Let's go get a shower." I smiled and allowed him to pull me up.


I poured the thick substance into my palm and rubbed my hands together until the bubbles formed. As I massaged my hands through the curls I felt the soapy substance slide down my face and into my eye. I screamed as my eye started to burn.

"Harry?!" Zayn yelled running Ito the bathroom.

"ZAYYYN! It burnssss!" I cried into my soapy hands.

I heard footsteps leave the bathroom and then running back. Pretty soon, I felt a body standing next to me. I heard the splash of water filling up a cup. A pair of gentle hands removed my hands from my eyes and squeezed them. It stung as a waterfall of water ran down my face but I told Zayn to keep doing it, so he did.

"Better babe?" He asked as I fluttered my eyelids to try and clear my vision.

"Yea. Thanks Zayn." I smiled and leaned in, kissing him passionately.

Zayn looked so sexy just standing there under the stream of water glistening on his tan skin. He tangled his fingers in my soapy curls and pulled my body closer to his. I slipped the wet shirt over his head and ran my cold hand down his hard abs causing him to shiver and moan a little. I smirked as he moved his lips to start working on my neck. As he nibbled on my neck hard, I reached for his zipper.

"Mmm Zayn it's stuck." I moaned as I struggled with his zipper.

"That's what...she said." He whispered between love bites.

"No you whore I mean your zipper!"

"Ya know, it's rude to call me a whore while we are 'making love'" He smirked as he released me to unzip his own pants.

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