Beautiful Mistake- Zarry Stylik Love Story Chapter 15

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A/N: This chapter is also kinda sickeningly cute like the last one but more drama will be coming up later in the story! Harry acts like such a child in this chapter and I find it adorable actually. Don't forget to comment/vote<3


Zayn's POV-

"No! It needs a carrot nose, Zayn!" Harry whined like a 5 year old as soon as I raced out into the snow.

"I swear it's like Lou ransacked you're refrigerator! I can't find carrots anywhere! Just use a button or something."

It was last day of our holiday and Harry insisted on going out into the bitter cold to build a snowman. He looked like an angel out with the denim sky like a sparkling back drop. Light snow fluttered down around his tall figure and landed softly in the few stray curls that we're hanging from his beanie. The snowman was a bit off...the bottom ball of snow was much smaller than the top but I would never say that to Harry's face. His emerald eyes were lit up with that cheerful expression that everyone loved about him. His childish dimples made him look even younger as he pranced around in to blankets of snow, rolling balls for the snowman.

"No Zayn! The snow man has to have a carrot nose. It's a law." He pouted as he patted another lump of snow into the snowman with his trembling hands. Oh god I just noticed he wasn't wearing gloves.

"Babe. I'll go find some carrots if you go find yourself some gloves for once! You're gonna get sick." I demanded as I laid his frozen hands in my warm gloves.

"I don't wanna get gloves...I like it much better with my hands like this." His eyes trailed down to our intertwined hands and he bit his almost purple lip.

"I do too. But if you want your damn snowman to have a nose then you better get some gloves."

He finally stomped up the stairs and I ran back into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator one last time. I sighed as I pulled out a bag filled to the top with small carrots. I heard loud clomping so I met Harry at the bottom of the staircase and showed him the bag. He happily smirked, snatched the bag from my hands, and ran outside. He stuck the carrot into a perfect spot at the middle of the icy face. He stood back and smiled proudly at the creation.

"So Zayn. How does it look?"

"It looks beautiful Haz! It looks just like you." I marched through the snow and pulled him in by the waist.

"Awe thanks Zayn! I've always wanted someone to tell me I look like a deformed lump of frozen water." His sarcasm was topped off by a wide, dimply grin.

"Well you do, my friend." I gave his cold cheek a small peck. "You're cold. Let's go get some hot chocolate."I pulled Harry into his house and we ran upstairs.

"So why don't we get out of these wet clothes?" His flushed face spread into a cheeky smile as he used the line from yesterday.

I giggled and pulled his damp clothes off of his shivering body as he did the same to me. I left small kisses all over his cold body and left a small peck on each side of his plump lips. As soon as my face was pulling into his, a small sneeze came from his mouth. It was absolutely adorable the way his face scrunched up but gross as some spit flew to hit my face.


"I'm sorry babe! I just-" He was cut short by another small sneeze.

"Sounds like my little lump of frozen water is sick."

He rolled his eyes but I ran to the dresser and pulled out a pair of his sweatpants and one of my sweatshirts. After I finished dressing him, his shivering body hunched over with a rough cough. I pulled his body to my waist and carried him downstairs, grabbing his pink blanket from his bed before I went. After laying him on the couch, I wrapped the blanket around him, tucking him in like beans in a burrito shell.

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