Beautiful Mistake- Zarry Stylik Love Story Chapter 12

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A/N: So this is shorter than I wanted it to be but I really loved the idea of the boys going on a date to an amusement park. Instead of just Zarry though I wrote the other 3 boys going too and focused some on Niam. I hope you enjoy it though! xx

Zayn's POV-

We pushed our way through the crowds of bodies that were sticky from sweat and melted ice cream. The sun was beating down on our skin and glimmering drops of sweat were forming on my neck and gently rolling down. My ears were starting to ring from the screams of people on roller coasters and whining of little children. Oh I should add the fact every teenage girl there squealed when she recognized us and we've been here almost an hour and haven't had time for one ride yet.

"Ugh. It's really hot. My hair is getting all sweaty!" I complained.

"Zayn. We are in Disney World for god's sake! Stop complaining and worrying about your damn hair!" An annoying Irish accent replied.

"Yea baby. Ride at least one roller coaster with me so I won't get scared." Harry pouted, grabbing my hand.

"I'm way more scared of roller coasters than you."

"Well...then I'll ride one with you so you won't get scared." A childish smile spread across his lips.

"Alright. You know I can't say no to you when you get all adorable." I returned the smile. .

"Yes. We get it. Harry is so damn adorable and you two are just as happy in love as can be but I have a major problem." Niall said firmly.

"What is it Nialler?" Lism asked concerned.

"IM STARVING." He yelled which made us all laugh.

"Kay. We'll go get you some food my little leprechaun." Liam took Niall's hand as walked ahead.

"Do you notice something going on with them?" Louis asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. They've been acting all touchy lately." I agreed and Harry nodded.

"So everyone is gay in this band except me?" Louis asked but I had suspicion that he was lying. Wasn't he in love with Harry?

"But you're gay for me." Harry said in a sing-song voice, like he read my mind.

"I thought we were dropping that subject." His voice was firm which is unusual for Lou.

"Yea. Yea. Now, let's go catch up with Niam! I want some cotton candy!"

Harry pulled me up to the snack cart where Niall was ordering a corn dog, a large soda, and some funnel cake. Liam was standing beside him lecturing him about how all that food, the heat, and the rides was going to make him sick. Niall just laughed and took the food to a nearby table.

"What can I get for you, hun?" The older, blonde lady at the counter asked Harry.

"Um..I want a pink cotton candy and a large soda." He replied with a friendly, not flirty, but friendly grin.

The lady told us the price and I offered to pay. Harry started to argue but he knew I wasn't going to give in. I watched in amusement as he plopped his face into the fluffy pillow of pink cotton candy. He pulled away and gave me a huge pink smile. He could act like such a kid sometimes and that's one thing we all love about him. Louis was being his annoying self like always and trying to snag bites of Niall's food while Liam tried to calm them down.

"So what ride first?" Niall asked once finished all his food.

"Toy Story Mania!!!" Liam yelled excitedly.

"Haha we should've guessed." I laughed.

We all decided on Toy Story Mania and made our way over to that side of the park. The line was long and wrapped outside of the building but we had the 'special treatment pass' and got to cut in front of everyone. We pulled into the ride, me and Harry, Liam and Niall, and Louis got stuck with some tall blonde girl. Well he was really excited about it and started flirting with her right away.

"I'm gonna crush you!" Harry laughed evilly.

"In your dreams, Styles!"

We put our 3D glasses on and the ride started to move. We shot at the little bullseye things and I watched as the numbers on our score kept changing. I glanced as the boy beside me anxiously pointed his plastic gun at the 3D display. His tongue was slightly hanging out of his mouth as he concentrated. It was adorable. We came to a stop and I checked the score Harry- 1069 Zayn- 1200.

"Hahaha I won!" I laughed evilly at his fake pout.

After that, we snuggled up as we rode Its a Small World. It was a nice relaxing ride until Louis got screamed at for reaching into the water, where Harry dropped his beanie. Then we ran to the other side of the park because Louis wanted to ride Space Mountain. I was nervous but Harry also seemed excited about it so I wanted to give him my support.

"You know you don't have to ride this with me." He comforted me but his voice was filled with hope.

"I want to." I lied but the happy look on his face made me forget about my fear.

I gripped on to Harry's hand the whole ride and dug my nails into his sweaty palm. My girly screams were much louder than Harry's but I managed to finish the ride without puking up my insides until I made it into the bathroom with Harry by my side. Next, we all pulled on to Splash Mountain. I already didn't like it when the cold water seeped through my thick jeans. As we moved through the tunnels full of happy singing animals, I felt Harry snuggle into my side with his head buried in my lap. Shit. Next thing I knew, we were flying down a hill and hit the bottom with a huge splash. The water bounced up making my hair flatten and my body shiver.

"I'm gonna kill you for this you evil little curly child!" I yelled as I chased Harry through the crowd.

"Hahaha awe poor wittle Zaynipoo's hair is messed up." He mocked in a baby voice between laughs.

"Yea and poor wittle Harrypoo's face is about to be messed up." I jokingly held up and fist but instead I hit him with my lips.

After I'd gone into the bathroom and dried my hair, we rode The Tower of Terror and it was Harry's turn to get sick. I rubbed his back as he vomited and wiped his eyes before returning back to the boys who just got off The Rockin Roller Coaster. We rode a lot more rides, some roller coasters but most weren't.

"You tired, Haz?" Louis asked Harry who's head was rested on my shoulder as we walked to the exit.

"Mmm hmm." He nodded tiredly and I wrapped my arm around his back and lifted him around my waist.

We were on the ferry boat that took us over the still water from the Disney park to out Hotel. Harry was pressed us against my side sleeping like an angel. Liam and Niall were cuddling and standing on the deck looking back to the bright rides. Louis was beside me and laid his jacket over Harry's body as the wind started blowing colder.

A sudden explosion made Harry shoot up. I pulled him into my chest as we stared up at the night sky, scattered with stars, and exploding with shinning colors. The sparks flew across the dark backdrop as I felt Harry's plump lips land on mine with a bang. My lips moved back with his as our tongues danced. I felt the sparks shoot across my heart just like the fireworks in the sky.

"I had a lot of fun today." He mumbled sleepily into my chest.

"Yeah. We'll come back sometime...just me and you."

I kissed his curls and we floated the rest of the way in silence just enjoying each other's company and the beautiful fireworks display over the glimmering park of lights. You could still hear the screams of thrill from off in the distance.

When we got inside our hotel room, Harry stretched and yawned like a kitten. I smiled as he tore off his clothes and slipped under the blankets. I did the same.

"Zayn? Did I tell you how much of an amazing boyfriend you are?" Harry mumbled sleepily.

"Yes. A million times." I giggled pulling him close,

"Well I meant it every single time. I know I can be such a pain and a baby sometimes but-"

"Babe. You aren't a pain. Well when you forget to flush the toilet after you pee-"

"Haha very funny." He laughed weakly.

"Now get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow. Concert then a late night flight."

"Okay. Nighty night."

I pulled the fluffy blanket over our tired bodies and we both fell asleep tangled together. I felt as if nothing could hurt us.

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