Make-up, oranges and an awesome plan with hair sprays. Part 3

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Right now, Tara and Lily are forcing me to wear make-up for the party tonight and a 'sexy' dress. But I refused and then they started to attack me with things that I found were unknown to me and I swear I felt a bit of my eyebrow rip as I struggled against Tara when she was doing my eyebrows. 

I figured she took more than a few eyebrow hairs than she should've taken out as she suddenly started looking constipated like she just saw these really hairy, unshaven legs of a woman, and we're talking like baboon type of hairy... I'll get her back for this and she knows it!

1 hour and 30 minutes of seemingly endless torture later...

"This is injustice! 17 year old girls should not be forced into wearing stuff that is made out of different types of fats, bees wax and fish scales, have pink powdery stuff being dabbed in their face and be nearly made to cry with black stuff being prodded in their eyes!" (Sorry if I ruined the idea of make-up for the girls out there... Or gay dudes...)

"Oh shut up! It doesn't even look that bad! Except for the eyebrow bit that people will hardly notice, you're damn fine! We did a pretty good job you know, with you screaming and all, we had to work hard for this. I think we should be rewarded!"

"Yeah, I ain't giving you anything, 'cause this was not my idea."

Even though I'd hate to admit it, Tara and Lily did a pretty good job. I actually couldn't recognise my self, except for those big mischievous eyes and that smirk that was starting to turn up, because right after that, I started thinking about jelly beans and how I've seemed to really like them these days after playing Candy Crush everyday. Just the thought of covering my whole room in jelly beans... I should do that some time...

"Guys, my dress is practically screaming out "I'm ready to get shagged, take me away, my drunk faced prince!" "

They both rolled their eyes at me and Tara said "c'mon, let's just go have some fun and enjoy ourselves at Alex's party, and Lily, I hope you've got some condoms in there because we all know whats gonna happen once we go to that party." She said in stern but playful tone.

After I took one last look of those smoky brown eyes, those rich red lips, my 'I'm ready to be shagged' black mid-thigh dress and feet eating monstrous silver high heels. I was off to go to a place where there were teens with raging hormones, drunk people, drunk and passed out people and  food. 

99 percent of the reason why I was going to the party, was because of the food and to watch drunk people who made a fool of themselves or passed out, then laugh at them. While 1 percent of it, was because of my brains stupidity at obeying the unwritten rule of listening your friends when they plead you for something. Or it was because of those hypnotising eyes of theirs that I envy that lured me into going to the party of..of.. Ah and I already forgot his name. Lily and Tara would be so disappointed in me for not remembering  'whats-his-face' who is, as said by Lily and Tara, to be known as 'Mr. Popular' of our school. I just don't find a good enough reason to pay attention to someone who doesn't even acknowledge the fact that his girlfriend 'the schools slut' is right next to him as he shamelessly flirts with the other girls surrounding him like deranged bees to a bee hive. 

I'm crossing my fingers on dying his hair multi-coloured tonight if he passes out drunk, which I'm most likely hoping will go well. (I have different colours of hair spray paints that last weeks long and other random stuff that you'd never expect to find in a girls handbag). That dude is as pathetic as orange peels. Not that I have anything against Oranges, if they're reading this. Or if they actually can read, or so speak, please don't attack me with an army of oranges next morning. I beg of you! I'm too young and awesome to die a death by an army of angry oranges! I was instantly back in reality as the girls were laughing about something about a joke they were talking about as I was busy spacing out.

Then we all got inside Tara's car after I texted toJake that I won't be home tonight to have pizza with him and he replied back saying that I have be home, strictly by no later than 11:30 pm and to avoid any of the hormonal teenage boys that would be there. 'As if I would run away with a drunk as bananas dude at a random party'. I said yes, not even checking half the things he said in the text. He lost me at 'no having sex with boys'. We're going to the party in Tara's car because me, I don't have a license and Jake can't drive me there because he's some place else and Lily said she'd have a ride home by the end of tonight and that she might not be with us through out the whole night. 

Well, that didn't surprise any of us. Oh Lily, you're such a whore... How we became best friends, I don't even remember. Actually, I think it was when we were both around the age of 13 and she offered me the peanut butter jelly sandwich she had in her lunch box when she said she didn't want it.

Peanut butter jelly proved to be great for making new friends at school and I liked them for that. Anyways, then we headed off to the dudes party who I don't know of. All I know right now, is that crazy things are gonna happen, but hey, what HASN't been crazy in my life!

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