"Are you like seriously drunk, or are you crack in the head?"part 5

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"I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation! Dun dun, dunununuh! You're livin' in the past it's a new generation! Dun dun dunununuh!"

Yeah, I started to sing a different song because Taylor Swift got boring after a while so I started singing bad reputation by ummm...I think her name was Jane Jett or something. Yeah.

I kept singing the song softly until I heard something like an old man being man slaughtered. I swear that's how it sounded to me.-


"Shut the fuck up old man! or we're gonna have to kill you. Right here, rightnow!"

Said the dude that I think was beating the bananas out of the old man earlier. Still is I think... Ugh, that didn't sound right.

"Once I get away from you, I'll tell the police about you idiots!"

" 'Once' you get away from us, dickhead! And if anything, you're the stupid one here because you've got the freakin' guts to scream at us when we can beat your ass old man, five against one."

Oh. So there's five people now? Beating an old dude while I'm drunk and listening to what what they're saying behind the corner of a building like the creep I am. I should be doing something about this, but knowing me, I would only make things worse for the old man. And myself...

Ooh no, oh no-


"Hey, there's someone there! Get them before they run away."

Ohh, so now you hear me? Not when I was singing a song by myself alone in the streets?

I thought. I quickly turned around the other way and started running/tripping towards any place that would have an open door, or maybe try hiding in behind someones fence. I, as expected, failed to do that and had to stop as soon as I felt someone restraining my hands from struggling against them. I just had to be drunk rightnow didn't I...

"Stop or else I'll have to shoot you."

The guy hissed in my ear.

"What would you do, if you were in a situation where five guys were chasing after you, they had you in their arms and you couldn't escape knowing that you could die right at that moment?"

"Shut up before I do something I might regret!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't regret it. I'd probably be the happiest man alive, because apparently, I'm a trouble magnet."

"I wonder why."

"Not really something to wonder much about, it's simple really. I piss people off really quickly or my curiosity just leads me to it."

"It was a rhetorical question bitch!"

"Hey Dan, who 'ave you got there?"

Said the dude who was approaching us with the other three guys. I couldn't really see through the dark because there is no way I can turn in to bat in three seconds and start seeing things with the amazing night vision.

"It's just some girl who was listening to us from earlier. She's a pain in the ass, what do you think we should do with her?"

"I wasn't just listening, I watched the whole thing actually." I said with a shrug. I could feel the vodka wearing off a little bit. I guess I've been outside longer than I thought. I should go home. Pizza is probably waiting for me...

"Are you like seriously drunk or are you crack in the head? I bet you ran into a pole a few times when you were a kid."

"I guess I'm a bit drunk, but it's slightly starting to wear off, and no, I'm not a crack in the head. I don't really know-"

I guess I started talking to myself and spaced out, because next thing I know, there's a cloth covering my mouth and nose and it's getting harder to breathe and stay focused on the things happening around me.

Oh no, I'm gonna die... 

The saddest part was, it wasn't a guy who swings on webs and swoops me away or seven midgets who capture me on one of those cool motor bikes with that car attached to it so they don't have to carry me away to their little cottage. I'm instead captured or slowly dying because of some thugs who were beating up an old dude caught me looking at them. Also I'm never going to get to build my own house made out of jelly beans or do other kinds of stuff in my non-existent bucket list. it was continuous that list. I forgot 99 percent of what i had in my mind so i made up new ones everytime i got inspired.

Oh yeah, and I also never got a chance to say goodby to my brother, Lily or Tara and I never figured out the reason to my parents' unknown disappearance...

too bad.

After that I went into a deep sleep where my dream turned into a nightmare and the oranges were actually attacking me in large armies of oranges. I thought I made it clear that I apologised and didn't want to offend them! Since when did oranges have emotions! Gees guys!

Well, at least my death will be interesting where I got attacked by an army of angry oranges.

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