Hot guys, a constipated pig on crack and playing hide-and-seek. Part 6

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"Uuuhg, brain, stop hurting."

"She even fucking talks to herself! What are we even gonna do with this lunatic anyways!" I heard some one hiss a few meters from where I was.

"Wouldn't be surprised if she escaped a mental hospital."

Me too buddy, me too.

" but then why would she be wearing that and since when did people that escaped from a mental hospital start looking so hot?"

I started getting annoyed of hearing them whisper as if I were a dead corpse that could wake up any moment if they talked any louder. They're doing a really bad job at it.

"Since I happened, and I didn't really escape a mental hospital. Just some party with a jerk of a host. The food was great though. My friends ditched me too. I hope a whale shits on them"

"The fuck?"

I turned to the guy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I think he's the one who said that chicks who escape the mental hospitals are hot. And they think I'm the one who's crazy... I shook my head internally. But on the plus side, he looks hot. They all do actually. Wait. Aren't kidnappers supposed to be wearing masks?

"I've got two questions."

"And what makes you fucking think we're going to answer them?"

He's the one that butts in a lot and he's the one that unfortunately captured me. I hate him, but too bad for me, cause like I said before, they're all hot, but this dude had red hair and blue eyes. I decided to ignore his comment. But really. I seriously wished I was energetic enough to punch his face.

"First, why aren't you guys wearing a mask like normal people do when they're kidnapping people?"

" because we don't have any. We don't have time for shopping!... I've barely got any socks... and don't compare us to any of the movies you watch because we're nothing like it."

What this dude said was obviously meant to sound rude, but he didn't sound like that, instead he sounded more calm than angry and frustrated. He had brown eyes and black hair but he made those brown eyes look more amazing than mine.

Not that they were in the first place...

"Well then, next question. Are you related to oranges?"

"Dude, what made you think that! Just no!"

Oh good, I don't have to prepare for any angry oranges that could come out to attack me.

"Oh no, nothing."

They both looked at me confused.

"You're such a weirdo."

"Yeah... I've been told."

so many times, I wanted to add.

"So that's all you were going to ask? Nothing else? No screaming, running away or crying?"

"Nope, I don't feel like screaming at the moment, I'm not that physically fit that I'll be able to run away from any of you and I'm not crying because I hardly ever cry. Poke me, pinch me, or stab me, I won't cry."

"You're just something else."

"Some day I'm gonna stab you to see if what you said is real."

They both said at the same time. Dan was the one who actually wanted to stab me, of course.

"What's your name?"

Said the guy who finally spoke up instead of just standing there like he was the whole time. This guy had sexy dark brown hair, and his eyes, they were grey cold and as hard as stone. Almost like silver if you shone light on them. Obviously though, if you poked them, they would probably be squishy and and could start a Niagara fall. I could feel his gaze on me the whole time as if they were piercing straight through my soul. Now that that was some scary shit.

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