Now I Know How Sid the sloth felt.Part 12

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It was still dark out when I woke up.

I moved my eyes around and lifted my head to check if anyone else was awake. I couldn't tell.

 I could easily escape right now. Yess!

...but how am I gonna get home? Nobody seems to be passing by the road far away from us. 

I crawl up on my knees to get a better look at the stars. They look so sparkly and bright. Shining up there so proudly while I'm here on my period, weary and wide awake. Although I'm feeling a bit better since we took a break from our seemingly-endless walk, to who-knows-where.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard Chris quietly ask. Breaking me from any thoughts of running away in the middle of the night.

"I don't know... I just couldn't go to sleep. Why are you awake?" I ask, turning around to get a better look at him. 

"You don't get to ask".


I stand up and grab the sticks and dried leaves that were around me. Then I grab a rock. With Chris suspiciously watching me build my own fire since nobody else thought it was freaking cold out here.

"Jesus what are you? You guys are just lying there as if the cold doesn't affect you at all!" I whispered.

"They aren't awake if you're trying to talk to them-

"But then how come you're still awake?"

"Because I'm supposed to watch over for these guys-

"But then you don't get any sleep to get through tomorrow-

"Just leave it!" he hissed. Geez. 

I threw my rock harshly on the ground after 30 tries, from frustration and disappointment. Now I know how Sid the sloth feels.

This is where I regret not joining the scouts thing that they held just down the street from my house. I mean, I never knew that I would come to my caveman days like I am right now. 

Chris got up. He was advancing towards me. Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap- wait, he moved to the side just when I thought he was gonna stand one foot away from me and.. I don't know? What was he gonna do? Nothing, it looks like, because as he bent down towards my stack of leaves and sticks, he took out his lighter from his jacket pocket and lit up a fire. The fire crackling, just like my heart, with joy. 

Joy that I won't be dying from frost bite tonight.

"Thanks. It's freezing cold out here." I said as I sat down near the fire.

The other guys woke and moved closer towards the fire, except for Chris and Gage, and went back to sleep.

"Are you sure you don't wanna be warm too guys?"

Gage was asleep as if he never woke up.

" Don't need it. Spending 5 years in jail, sleeping on hard metal beds and caged within cold stone walls makes this feel like the best place to be on Earth.."

He's opening up to me. And it's all so shocking. He was in jail for 5 years. But me, being me, doesn't mind this at all. Just thinking of this as something new and interesting about him.

"It was that bad?" I asked softly, as I moved up next to him which was only three scoots away. Which I closed with three scoots.

"You should be moving further away from me after I said that." He spoke as he turned to me. Looking like a sexy god in front of the flames.

"I don't feel like I want to, and I don't think I can..."

"It's dangerous to be this close to me. I could ruin you".

"You could've done that before yet here I am. Unharmed, yet mostly because I was the one who always got myself into trouble."

To be truthful, I just really wanted company since I couldn't get my mind off the knife incident. I could still remember some things with the horrifying flash backs popping that kept every once in a while when I got alone.

"I'm kind of really scared right now-

"You should be."

"But not because of what you think it might be"

"What? Nightmares?"

"Something like that.."

"Just sleep here", he suggested next to him, and closer to the fire. 

I got down again and tried to get comfortable to go to sleep. It was hard.

I heard Chris faintly grunt and he pressed me down to stop my squirming with his large hand, and then he moved closer to me and turned my back towards him. He pulled me to him and placed his jacket under both of our heads.

Oh damn this is comfortable. Slightly nerving too though, with him being so close and everything.

I could feel his deep exhales on my neck and it seems like he's finally fallen asleep too.

I could slowly feel my eyes giving away and... I got to sleep. Quick as that.


thanks for keeping up with me peeps :D 

I have finally come to my senses and resumed writing my story!  I will be updating more sooner now.

tah tahhh

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