Sweet jelly babies, I swear I nearly got a heart attack. Part 2

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As I reached the two gates, I waved to my brother as in to say goodbye, because you just never know when seven little dwarfs, or a guy who shoots out spider-webs might sweep you off your feet. 

Although the first suggestion with the seven dwarfs, I don't think they could carry me further than ten meters... Or they could just sit me up in one of those cool motorcycles with a side car and take me to their warm and cozy cottage... Mmm..warm and cozy cottage... But Jake being Jake, just drove off... 

Dick. I walked inside, reached to my locker and started entering the combination. But two evil people thought that just waiting for me to arrange my stuff and get my books out, then say hi would be something weird people would do. So instead of being normal people, they decided to scream "hi" and nearly knocked the life out of my ears. Sweet jelly babies, I swear I nearly got a heart attack from these two, right then and there.

"Ow! That hurt, you guys are so mean to my ears," I said rubbing my ears slightly while narrowing my eyes at the two. My two so called best friends that can get annoying as orange peels, but still get away with it because they always seem make up to it somehow.

One of them is Tara, who has sky blue eyes and shoulder length light blonde hair and the other one is Lily, who has hazel eyes and waist length brown hair. Both having features that I envy.

"Come on it was only a joke, besides, we're here to tell you about the party that Alex Fletcher's throwing tonight and there's gonna be hot guys out there tonight. Who knows, maybe we could get lucky tonight. A quick bang over here, a bang over there and... you know" Lily added said with a wink.

 Seriously, I have never met anyone else who could talk about hot guys and sex as if talking they're talking about when they were eating fried chicken at K.F.C. None other than my sex crazed best friend Lily...

Oh! By the way, Alex Fletcher is like the jock of the school, cause he's the captain of Nelson high football team. My shit-hole I have to go to everyday.

Nelson high. Yup that's our schools name, and because Alex Fletcher will be throwing a party, there's obviously going to be a lot of people... Probably more than I can count with my own fingers... Stupid fingers...

Yes! I know that I am a straight A student, but when it comes to math, it's when my brain decides it's the right time to be retarded... Wait, I'm supposed to decided things, not my brain... Stupid brain. But I am my brain. So I'm calling myself stupid? Huh? I looked around for my two best friends after my big space out, but they are nowhere to be seen. I look down at my watch and notice I'm getting late so I grab all my stuff that I need for my next two periods and walk off to my home room. God I need to stop getting myself confused, time to start learning and become smarter so that I can sooner or later take over the world!

I reached my class and sat next to Lily, in the second last row of the classroom. Gee, Mrs. Manyfields looked like she had a bad tan over the weekend, because where her wrinkles were, the sun wasn't able to reach properly. 

She checked the roll, pushed up her glasses higher when they slid down a bit, and got everyone to research cause and effects of Civil Rights in America. I loved History: We struggled, suffered, lost and recovered  from our own faults, but each of those mistakes made us feel something during that time, now, and would in the future, and we just keep proving that humanity and strength can exist as one, whenever things get awfully bad.

So I felt a rush of inspiration and passion jolt through me when I thought about the people and events I would research. Naturally, I wanted to research about the female contributors of the Civil Rights Movement in America, because with bitter realization that education on the history of the world, not many women's stories are being told.

This is why besides taking over the world with my 6.5 GPA, which I may or may not achieve, I want to become a history teacher in any school that would take me, and teach all those adolescents about how females helped us get where we were, and not just by cooking at home or slaving away.

I don't even care if nobody supports me and this dream, because I'm so sure I want to do this.


Sorry about the really short short chapters. But if any of you have an idea of which celeb should be the characters of my story, especially Payton, then please be free to turn my characters as how you'd want them to be. That sounds horrible is some way, but my characters can't be faceless or be people with no bodies...ew. Soz! ;) But thanks to anyone who thinks that my story's good and leave a comment if you'd like.thanks! XD

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