hot dayumm Part 11

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"Suuunshine lollipops and, raiiinbows, everything that's wonderful is what I feel when, weee're

togeether. Brighter..."

"I didn't know you were that happy coming along with us."

"I didn't come along with you. I WAS KIDNAPPED!"

"Hey, don't get mad at me! It wasn't my idea in the first place."

"I don't care! You still took part in it and that's all that matters to me!"

"Well it didn't seem to matter to me."

"Are you serious? You just made it worse Kyle!"

"How did I make it worse! What did I do? I just said that I thought it wouldn't have mattered if it wasn't my idea in the first place!"

"You're really getting on my nerves Kyle. You see this-" I show him my hand in front of him. My lips pursed and all. "This will definitely make contact with your face today if you don't stop talking right now."

Kyle seemed to have gotten the point. Poor Kyle. He had to fix his relationship issues with Luke to have some one to talk to.

Oh wait...

Fifteen seconds into it, and they're fist bumping and animatedly moving their hands to emphasise what they're talking about.

Oh, how I wished that was how me and my friends solved our problems when we got in to fights, but nooo, that wasn't how it worked. Either of us would first promise to never see each other again in our minds, bìtch about them, and then finally as we come to the end, we become broke because we make up and decide that it's time to replace each others wardrobes with a whole new set of clothes.

It's gonna be my time of the month soon, but I've got it all covered. I went in to the pharmacy near the motel at night when Kyle was asleep and quickly got my necessities.

*earlier that night*

" please be there, please be there, please be there... Yes! There you are."

I went into the sanitary section of the pharmacy and found the things I needed, but I couldn't find any pills for it to relieve some of the pain.

How cruel the world is sometimes...

I didn't even have any money either.

Person up there, if you're watching, I really don't appreciate your lack of help right now.

So I went up to the cash register and laid my things down to scan. Forming a quick plan in my mind as the male pharmacist, Joey, scanned my items. Joey looked not much older than me by age, about 20.

"That will be $13.75 ma'am."

"I don't have $13.75"

"Well then I'm sorry, I can't do anything much for you rightnow."

"Yes you can, you can pay for it."

"I'm sorry-"

"Look, I'll pay you back tomorrow, I promise.-" with my fingers crossed behind my back. " I just got robbed on my way here-"

"All the other shops close at 10:30pm, and it's 10:57pm right now. Not many people live around here either."

"I know, but I swear this 60 year old man just punched me and robbed my purse while I lay on the ground."

"Didn't you run after him after he-"

"Nope, I was unconscious. It was a pretty hard punch."

"A 60 year old man?-"

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