My mum told me my curiosity never lead to good things... Part 10

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"It's raining MEN! HALLELUJAH!, it's raiiining men, AMEN!

It's raining MEN! HALLELUJAH! It's raining men, AMEN!...-"

My eyes suddenly open and I'm wide awake. Sleepy, but awake all the same.

Great. I wake up to screaming voice that seems to be coming from the bathroom.

Or from the shower to be more specific.

Ohh Kyle, you better stop singing this song because I'm starting to think you're gay and I think that goes for everyone that can hear his singing.(screaming).

How unfortunate my ears are, to wake up to this.

"Nooo" I groan, as I grab the pillow from both ends and squeeze them to my ears. My poor, poor ears...

I think they're gonna die soon if this is going to be a continuous thing.

Gladly, there is a way to put an end to this, but it might not be very pleasant for the other person. Which has to be Kyle in this situation.

I try getting out bed and find myself struggling to get out of the monstrous sheets that were trying to keep me hostage. I stopped, took a deep breath and fiercely pulled the sheets from under me with all my strength, that I fell and made painful contact with the ground which ended up making a loud thud.

"Holy Mars Bars and flying apes!" I hissed out of pain.

I then started pathetically crawling out of the mess of sheets towards the bathroom.

"SHUT UP!" I scream.

Even though in the back of my mind, I already knew it wouldn't stop it.

I reach the bathroom and then loudly bang on it with my fist.

"Kyle, shut up before everyone wakes up wanting to murder you!"

The shower stopped making noise and I turned away to walk back to my bed. I picked the sheets from the floor and started folding them.

"I can sing pretty well though, don't you agree?" He said as he came out in yesterday's blue ripped jeans and white t- shirt. Drying his hair dirty blonde by rubbing the towel on his head and then running his fingers through it making it go in all sorts of directions.

"I guess so."

"C'mon, you know it is."

"I never said it isn't!"

"But you just said that you guessed, what do you really think?" He whined.

"Oh, I don't know, why is my opinion that important?"

"It isn't, I'm just asking."

"Then go ask someone else!"

"Fine" He pouted and narrowed his eyes down at me for a second and then turned away and walked off towards the door and walked out...

I'm rooming with a five year old. Sigh...

'Thump'. I could hear angry voices that I couldn't really understand coming from somewhere outside.

I walked towards the door and opened it quietly, half way through. I saw other doors open as well, as Gage and Luke's heads popped out. Looks like they're really angry at whoever is making this noise, because it also looks like they just woke up.

How the hell did they not hear Kyle...

I see Kyle jogging up towards us and goes up to Luke."those Mexicans have found us"

"-they're over at the counter but they're gonna have to wait a while for the old man to come because I saw him passed out in the back with beer cans surrounding him. Think we all know what that means."

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