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As the train arrived at the front of the school's opening, they saw the deja vu that came with it. How when they were ten and would walk through the gates with a boat by magic. Heather chuckles walking out. She walked out and was assigned to a boat sent by the other teachers. The boat magically rode by itself, the memories from first grade brought an ache to her heart, but why was this so much special to her then before? As they all arrived they went in and regrouped with their friends pushing past everyone. Heather regrouped with Robert.

"Kids..." He says. The girl chuckles walking to the hall. He hears everyone shout and cheering as they both sat down on their chosen houses. Luckily the two were Ravenclaw and could sit right in front of each other. Sad thing is, Slytherin's right next to them. The ones annoying the two were three boys; Knox Friggs, Albert Diggle and Adam Freelancer. Purebloods and Proud. The two P's that meant nothing but the annoyance to the two.

"Could you believe it? A newbie sent by the ministry of magic has come here?" Snarked Knox. The two just ignored them. He scoffs at their ignorance and decides to catch their attention by boasting.

"Well, I think my father would handle this as easy as swiping off the murk off the plates of Anastasia Fink..." He gestured to the big girl on the Hufflepuff table. Poor girl must've felt terrible being alone, no boys to talk to her. She's always alone. But yet again, it was not her business to discuss. Heather stares at Robert with raised eyebrows. Robert cleared his throat. The girl slams her book down but not loud enough for the whole school to hear. They were waiting for the new students. Knox stopped with his blabbering and turned to her. The spoon falling off his nose. Albert and Adam pointed at her with a playful smirk.

"What do you want, Friggs?" She asked in an annoyed manner. The boy shrugged his shoulders.

"Boasting I heard. But they're restless. The boy never learnt about proper manners..." Robert said. Knox was offended instead was smiling with pride. He was hiding something. The girl needed to study her potions since there were a lot of topics she has to memorize before the day. That was enough to make him quiet down, insult his family with nothing but in a calm manner.

The girl turns her back at them until the doors opened revealing the lowerclassmen which were already assigned by the sorting hat and by the headmaster himself, Armando Dippet.

"Welcome back students!" Everyone hears the grand opening of the great wizard. Everybody clapped their hands at him. Once the room quieted down he continued his speech.

"Now before I would announce anything that relates to fun activities I would like to announce the few new teachers of Hogwarts..." The three new teachers stood up. One tall, short and another tall too.

"Mister Adkins...He will be your potions teacher." Everyone clapped to him. He smiles and sits down. Seems like a nice man though.

"Miss Briony...Herbology teacher..." Everyone clapped for her. She sits down with a smile at the warm welcome. Lastly, the mysterious one who seemed like the defence against the dark arts.

"Mister Johnson, teacher of the defence against the dark arts..." She was right. Everyone clapped for him. She was rather happy for them to be the new face of this Hogwarts community.

"All those aside..." Everyone kept silent after that. Heather hears Robert sigh out of boredom. She giggles. He looks at her and smiles.

"As due to the new law of the Hogwarts community, there will be a Triwizarding Championship this year-" Everyone cheered out loudly even Heather, she would be a fantastic addition to the championship, she's fit, fast and always focused. Three F's. The headmaster smiles at them.

"No limits! Now! Everyone now must have a jolly dinner and you'll be sent to your room immediately for your classes tomorrow!" Everyone gasped seeing the amount of food on the table. Heather chuckles and took the pie. Robert moved his book on his lap and grabbed the chicken. Heather furrowed her eyebrows. Robert looks at her before shrugging his shoulder without any words.

She scoffs and continues to eat her pie laughing at him.

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now