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Heather walks out with a mouth full of smoke, she coughs it out trying not to get poisoned. Everyone rushed outside. Edward walks out with his goggles and a face filled with black ash, his hair sticking out with black ash too. He steps out. Heather stops her coughs and stares at him. He coughs out a black load of smoke making her chuckle. Robert runs out alongside the Professor who was coughing madly. Everyone made it out alive. Heather walks to Robert and he was on the ground like he was pleading.

"My goodness Mister Monroe...Not already the start of the year and you're already causing trouble..." Edward then tries to stop him from alerting his parents which lead to him following him to his office. Everyone chuckles at that. Heather smiles and walks to Robert. She places a hand on his shoulder.

"What's next?" He asks. The girl checks her schedule with a flick of her wand.

"Defence against the dark arts..." He groans. The girl furrows her eyebrows. What seemed to be the problem? She scoffs.

"What's the matter?" He seemed quiet after that. Until he decides to answer.

"The last time I tried to 'defend myself against the boggart' I flew off to the back of a wall..." He says. The girl sniggers. He sighs. Though it was a funny memory it was probably a horrible experience for his back. The girl escorts him to the class, there stands the teacher draped in all black. His coat, his hair was brown, curly but his aesthetic was dark...So...Depressing.

He had his back turned and he had a suitcase filled with ornaments.

As the class went in he turns around with a small smile. Sort of creepy to see a man in such dark clothing smile out of nowhere.

"Morning!" He says. Everyone replies as they sat down. Knox and his group of boys right across them. Robert was next to Heather in front. As everyone sits down at their desks he walks over to each person.

"Now...Everyone, please stand up!" He says. Everyone was either confused or did as they were told. Heather frown her eyebrows and stands up. He takes out his wand and swishes off the desk of everyone to the corner. Everyone either shrieked or gasped. He gave us space...With a wardrobe with whatever sorts of thing in it.

"Now class...What do we know about fears?" He asks. Someone raised their hand. Heather was kind enough to give them a chance since she had a fear that the teacher would deduct points for answering a lot.

"A fear is something that scares you the most..." He nods in approval.

"That is right...Anyone else?" He scans the room. Everyone kept silent. Knox turns his head to Heather who was busily listening to the teacher. He whips his head quickly to the front.

"Alright...Take out your wands..." Robert sighs out of content thinking that it would be some foolish wand waving not actual spell charming. The teacher noticed him and decides to ask him.

"I'm sorry...You seem disturbed Mister Miller." He nods.

"Why is that?" The boy sighs before answering. Heather smiles.

"It's just that...The last teacher had us do foolish wand waving which by the way accidentally pushed me back against the wall and that sent me to the hospital wing within minutes! I had a bruise on my back and it's still healing..." He says giving him a full reason. Everyone laughs but Mister Johnson turns his head to Heather with raised eyebrows. She shrugs her shoulders.

"He's just cranky today..." She whispers. The man nods and decides to continue the lesson.

"Alright then...Everyone raise your wands and shout 'riddikulus!' Everyone in the room did as they were told and shouted 'riddikulus' within seconds. The man smiles proudly.

"Alright! Class! Remember that this class will be dealing with boggarts, not fears-"

"But aren't boggarts just fears, sir?" Asked Knox asked. The girl was shocked first of all. The teacher nods.

"They are...But in ways...Boggarts can take shape scaring you in the real world but fears are all in the head..." He says. Knox nodded. He then gestures to the wardrobe.

"Now...In this wardrobe-" The wardrobe shakes violently. Everyone steps back a bit. The teacher just looks at it and hits it. That made it stop.

"This wardrobe is capable of many things...But the most important thing is that it shape shifts...It takes the forms of any fear that is in your mind...For example...Miss Jordan fears of spiders..." Shocked, Robert turns his head at the girl seeing her in the class meant that she was in his year. The boy turns his head blushing. Heather looks front at the man demonstration. Everyone in the room shrieks in fear.

"Don't worry...Although you are not as scared as Miss Hussin who is first in line..." The girl ticks him off by tilting her head to the side not ashamed of whatever is coming out.

"Although she seems to not fear anything...The real question...What do you fear?" He asks. The girl shrugs her shoulders.

"We'll just have to see."

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now