T W E N T Y - S I X

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The next morning, the girl opens her eyes to the yellow sun and a comfy bed. Heather abruptly moves up in shock realising that she was changed into her pyjamas. The girl looks around before realising that Professor Dumbledore was there staring at her.

"Hey...Hey...Shh...You're awake and you're fine..." Heather calmed down soonly after. Heather sighs turning her right and left.

"What you did was brave Heather...I don't know why you keep on hiding it..." He says. The girl smiles making him laugh.

"Trust me, Professor, I'd rather not..." But once she hears someone groaning out of pain subtly she noticed the voice and figure was Robert. She sighs until Professor Dumbledore nudged her shoulder gently. The girl looks at him only to see a packaging only served for treats.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans." The girl grabbed a red one and placed it in her mouth. Her palette was strong until she noticed a rot making her spit it out. The man laughing.

"You've gotten Earthworm...Heather have you tried escargot before..." The girl's eyes widen.

"Goodness heavens...Never..." She says in shock. The man smiles before looking at the package, she never noticed he has gotten the good ones only for him. The girl smiles.

"You should...I think the Parisian culture would be a compliment to you...But for now...I think the two boys would love it if you visit them for a while..." He says. The girl nods before removing her blanket until a slight confusion struck her.

"Sir how did...How did you know what happened to me...How did you know about Leké and Michael?" The man smiles looking down dusting the crumbs off his suit. If she knew his history and his intelligence maybe she didn't have to ask. But she was only sixteen.

"We both were mates back at school...Though I was a tad younger than them...Though...I can't really explain the reason as to why I vaguely remember...That wardrobe of yours is now in your possession...You either live here or live there..." He says. The girl nods before walking slowly towards Robert who was busily groaning.

"Oh shut up you idiot..." She jokes. The boy opens one eye before laughing. The girl grabs his hand.

"You're alive! No surprise because you're always in good conditions..." She smiles at his comment. He tightly squeezes her hand making her yelp.

"Oi! What is Beetle's name did you do that for?" She asks. The boy laughs. The girl giggles before wiping off the sweat. The sound of the nurse coming behind her made her instinct to move away.

"Excuse me, dear, you might want to let him rest...Rough fall he had..." She says escorting her away from him. The girl nods before walking out. The girl walks away moving to the bed beside him discovering the figure of Dimitrov who slept in silence. A gauze wrapped around his head. The girl sighs in sadness seeing him wince in pain wanting to get closer but her gut says no. She turns around only to hear him whisper 'Heather'. Her name on his lips. The girl stops before turning around.

"H...Heath...Er..." He whispers. The girl looks at him before walking to the side of his bed. She takes a chair and sits on it. Dimitrov winces making her place a hand on his cheek. Instantly, he smiled.

"You're here..." He says. The girl nods making him smile widely. As his eyes open he slowly moves back making her widen her eyes too.

"You're here!" He says in shock thinking it was all a dream. The girl giggles seeing him grab his clothes and covered himself with his blanket. The girl shakes her head.

"I am you big loser..." She says smiling at him. The boy softly laughs before letting her sit on the bed whilst tending his wound with gentle caresses. The girl found the one she loved. Or better yet, the boy who changed her life.

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now