T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Now Heather was back for the final challenge of the tri-wizarding cup. She quickly fastens her pace and walks through the lanes until the maze. She sits next to the group of Slytherin boys who showed Knox. The girl sighs sitting. A hand nudges her. She turns her head to see Elton.

"Where were you? I didn't see you before?" He says rubbing her shoulder. The girl smiles at him keeping everything a secret.

"I've just come..." She says. Elton smiles. He certainly did look well in his garments for this last challenge. She was getting too carried away until the voice of Headmaster Dippet alerted the girl in her state.

"Attention everyone!" He shouts. Everyone winced at his voice but it did the trick.

"To the last challenge for our champions! Behind these bushes is an illuminating shiny trophy dedicated to the end of the tournament! Now...Our champions will have to go through the maze where there will a lot of obstacles! If there comes to a serious halt! Raise your wand and it will illuminate a light and we'll be there! Now! enough talking! Let's get started!" Everyone cheered. Elton was on the furthest left, Robert was in the middle and Ludovica was the furthest right. As the flags were raised down, everyone cheered as the three rushed in.

Heather was sitting on the bench worried about Robert, Elton and herself. She sits in silence thinking through her decisions until a voice whispered to her.

'Heather...The cup...'

The girl gasped standing up out of the blue when everyone was busy cheering. The girl looked to her right and saw a passage she could walk through without getting spotted. The girl shuffled closer until the daring Adam Freelancer came to view.

"What are you doing?" He asks with a low look. The girl felt agitated that he had to ask her on the spot now. She has a mission to complete. The girl rolls her eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know Adam? Aren't you too busy...Studying herbology?" She asks with folded arms. The boy chuckles.

"You're confusing me with Knox...You pay too much attention to him...But you know what...I'll let you go..." He says moving aside. The girl sighs in relief. But her cheeks blushed slightly, she walks down to the overgrown amount of vines. She takes in a deep breath before raising her wand that has been through a lot.

"Partis...Temporus..." She says looking to the side at Professor Dumbledore who was busy chatting. As she did, the vines parted paths for the girl to go through. She walks through and chanted 'Lumos' walking through the maze swatting little flies as they came attacking her neck tripping on the ground from the magic vines. She winced after just recovering from her incident and stands up walking through the maze. She misses the dead ends but that was because she felt agitated that if she does not close this, it might expand and make everyone suffer.

As she practically tried to avoid Robert or Elton to see her, she sees a glowing blue light. She hears screams and groans from people far away from making her heart speed. The girlish screams soon stop once she hears the vines slowly took her away from the world. Heather turns her head scared seeing the vines slowly grasping around her arms. The girl has to get through otherwise the cup lies on the hands of Lucas. She grips on her wand tightly thinking that it breaks apart.

"Diffindo!" She screams, the charm allowed the object to get sliced in half. The feeling when she got out brought satisfaction and relief. She coughs before continuing running along. As she hears groans from behind her, she turns the corner seeing Dimitrov struggling out of the vines. She struggled, she grasped the wand tightly before thinking in her head to release him. She points at the vines before chanting the spell. He fell to the ground in relief wounded. The girl hid behind the maze to make herself scarce. Dimitrov was confused, he holds his shoulder before running. She closes her eyes before turning to her front. She sees another way before running towards it, she went left to right until she came across a horrible thing.

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now