T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Michael walks through the violent paths until he saw something that haunted his dreams. A shivering figure of Heather kept shivers down his spine. Mister Isington decided to follow the boy until he was safe from his mission. Sadly enough, seeing Michael shaken of the dream made him fear his life too.

"Michael do you think this is a good idea?" The man nods.

"I know...If I know that Heather and Leke remain dead I would get a sign from the above..." He says looking at the gloomy grey sky in the dark. Michael was scared as he saw the cobblestone manor right in front of his eyes.

"Sure Merlin's looks like it!" Says the man. Michael shook his head.

"Now just like that-" Suddenly a hand out of nowhere appeared. Michael brought a halt to Mister Isington's searching. Michael saw the hand as it pointed to the creaked door. Michael walked forward but the gloved figure stopped him. Michael stares at it. The gloved hands pointed to the wrist of it. Michael's eyes widened.

"What is it, Michael?" He asked. Michael shook his head. He ran up to the door with his wand.

"We have no time! Stupefy!" He shouts, the spell opened the door to pieces. The two walked in only to be greeted by no ones presence. Mister Isington raised his wand and placed it on front of him.

"Homenum Revelio." The green specs floated through the air until they landed on the top floor. Mister Isington points to the upstairs floor making Michael run his feet. As he reached the top floor. Mister Isington had a plan. Michael frowned.

"Go! I have something to do!" He says. The man nods before running to the room. As he ran in, he was quickly tied to the ground by some spell. He gasped until he looked around the room. His eyes couldn't decipher what was inside of the room until he heard the loud boots of...

"Lucas..." Lucas walks out with his hands behind his back.

"Hello brother..." Lucas tried to fight back the feeling but the only thing that lit up was the lightning behind him. Michael flinched.

"Good to see you here...To any of my words I have played...This is much more then to my extent...I have given you a lot..." He says with a smile. Michael stayed quiet. Curious as to why the back of the room was covered with blankets.

"You've killed a lot-"

"Silence!" Lucas shouts at his older brother. Michael kept his mouth shut. Lucas raised his hand towards the covered wall with his wand.

"Out comes the brother..." Michael's heart sped a bit.

"Come out!" He praises. Out of the blue. He saw Leke. His blind twin who...Acted not like himself. He was quiet and unspoken. He walks out in a solemn way. His hands were behind his back. Michael didn't feel the urge to call his name because he knew that it wasn't him.

"Leke..." Michael whispers sadly. He hears Lucas laugh beside him as he walked to Leke placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I've created an enemy...I've wiped his memories like a clean slate...Face it genius...I was the smartest out of you three lot...But..." Michael shook his head.

"But what Lucas? You loved potions like it was your baby! We had nothing against that-"

"Except...The dinner conversations! You made fun of my ways...I always see those teasing smiles you give to Leke when he first saw...You were the monster Michael! You made him loose everything!" Michael shook his head.

"Sorts of wisdom I give...I loved our family! You were the one who turned us down! You ran away-"

Heather Hussin and the Wardrobe of ParadoxesWhere stories live. Discover now