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I sat in shock. "I think I do" I said. "Do What" I turned around and Kurt's hands were on my shoulder. "Know the answer to question number 14 on geometry homework" I improvised. "Cool" He said sitting by me. "Krist is throwing a party, you coming" he asked me. "Yeah" I smiled. "Ok I'll pick you up" he said. "I'm capable of driving you know" I smiled. "I know but you're but I like to" he kissed my hand. "I told you NO FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER INFRONT OF ME" Justin yelled across the room. "OK ILL DO IT WHEN YOUR NOT AROUND NEXT TIME" he said before walking towards him. "Ok, wait WHAT?" Justin replied. He was flirting? And there will be a next time? "Come on" Justin said taking me to his car. Stephanie rode with us. As he drove he questioned me. "Do you like Kurt" he asked. "That's none of your business" I huffed. "Ok ok" he started. "Don't hurt him though, he's a sensitive man like me" He prided Kurt and of course himself. "Since when are you" Stephanie asked. "Since always baby girl" he winked at her. I just cringed and could feel her do the same.

I fixed up my makeup and Kurt picked me up. "You look beautiful" he said making My insides flutter. I smiled. When we got to the party Kurt put his arm a around my waist. I looked at him. "No perverts" he said guarding me. I shook my head agreeing. Kurt stayed by my side the whole time. "I'll go get drinks" Kurt walked off. "Hey" a guy came on to me. "You're so fucking hot" "back off" I slapped him. "Kinky" he smiled. "Kink your ass bitch" I spat. "Hey dipshit, what don't you understand" Kurt said throwing his eyes at him . Kurt grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. "I'm sorry" he started to drive. "It's not your fault" I held his hand. "Crash with me again?" I asked. "Yeah" he responded. I laid down in bed next to Kurt and held on to him. He turned to face me. He tucked a strand of my hair. We looked at each other for a few seconds. A gap nearly existent between our faces. butterflies flooded my stomach. We froze. "Let's go to sleep" Kurt stuttered. I held back on to him and fell into sleep.

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