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Kurt POV

I finished with Kassie. I needed to apologize to Lil. "Where is Lily" I asked Bella. "I don't know if she's alive, you told her to kill her self" She cried. "I was kidding" I laughed. "You of all should know not to do that" she said. She knew? "Hopefully she doesn't relapse" she said. "Wait. Like drugs?" I asked. "YES IDIOT" she yelled. "After what you did she tried to OD" she yelled. I started to cry. I hit my head. "Fuck" I cried. "You love her" Bella said. "To death" I whisper. I told her everything about the breakup. "Hello.? I'm still here" Kassie yelled. I ignored her. Then Lily came in.

Lily POV

"Are you high?"  Bella asked. I ignored her and went in my room. Kurt walked in and slammed the door shut. "Give me your arm" He held his palm out. "No" I narrowed my eyes. "Yes" he yelled snatching my wrist. "Baby please no" he held me. "Please let me have you" he kissed me. Kassie walked in and froze. "Why Lily?" She yelled. "Everyone loves Lily the Depressed Junkie!" "It's not her fault" Kurt yelled. "GET OUT" he yelled. Kassie flabbergasted left the house. "Please take me back" He cried. "I'll do anything to keep you" he spoke. "All that bullshit was lies" he held my waist. I shook my head yes. "I missed you" I kissed his lips. They were mine again truly. "I really hope you missed this" He flipped me over.

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