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I woke up the next day. Bella was on the couch watching looney tunes. "Hey, I'm gonna make breakfast. Where's Kassie?" I asked. "Playing with her new boy toy" she rolled her eyes. I laughed. "I'll make him breakfast too then" I smiled. Kassie walked out her room and sat at the table looking through a magazine. "Your boy toy want breakfast?" I laughed. "I don't know" she smiled. "Kurt!" She yelled. My heart dropped. "Want breakfast?" She said as he walked out. "Sure" he smiled leaning on the fridge. "K I'll be back I'll going to the store" she said. "Come on Bella!" She said pulling Bella in the car with her. "Can you get off the fridge I need food." I said to Kurt. "I said I wanted to eat, that doesn't mean food" A grin came across his face. "Cute" I said sarcastically pushing him off the fridge. He just stared at me. "Do you need something?" I asked harshly. "Why are you being mean" he asked. "Because I don't like assholes" I said taking out strawberry's and blueberries. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. "For old times sake" he smiled. "I'm going to take a shower and I'm locking the door" I said. "I'm not a perv" he said monotone. "Whatever" I walked upstairs.

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