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As I took my shower I couldn't stop thinking about Kurt. He used to try to fuck me in he shower but I didn't want to get pregnant and he hated condoms. I smiled remembering but immediately started crying. I turned of the water and brushed my hair back. I went to grab my phone to ask Bella to grab me twinkies but they were home. "Got you twinkies" Bella read my mind. "Thanks" I smiled. "I'm sorry!" Kassie smiled. "This is Kurt" she smiled. "I know" I said. "How?" She asked. "School, don't worry nothing important" I lied. Kurt glanced at me. "All I remember is he was a dick" I said eating a twinkie. "Yeah, made bad choices" he looked up. "Anywho were adults now" he smiled. "I have to go to work" I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go visit some friends" I walked to the door. "WAIT!" Kurt ran up. "Let me drive you" Vicky looked hurt. "Fine" I whispered.

It was super silent in the car. Kurt kept looking at my face. "Is there something there" I rolled my eyes. "You're being rude you know" he spoke. "No, fucking two if your girlfriends friends is rude" I yelled. "What do you want" I ask. He stops the car. "I want to pull over now and kiss inch if your body until you can't help but call my name." He got close. "Never ask what I want" he started to drive again. "Yeah because you're an asshole" I whispered. "You know how many girls I've slept with since you. All of them are better then you so fuck off!" He yelled. "You probably hadn't had sex in 3 years!" He laughed. "Better then being a slut" I slut shamed him getting out the car. "Hey darlin" Krist greeter me with a hug. "Sup Krist" I smiled. I saw Shelli walk down the stairs she dropped her glass. "Lily?" She paused. I shook my head as she jumped on me. "I missed you so much" she cried. "I'm sorry" I frowned. "Never leave me again" she said. She looked outside. "You and Kurt again" she asked. "Hell no he's a dick" I yelled. "It's only a matter of time" I rolled my eyes.

After we talked I went home. Kurt left before me. I came home and walked in my room. Kurt and Kassie Fucking. "GET OUT MY ROOM" I yelled. "Go away" Kurt said stopping. "NO GET OUT" I yelled. "I remember one thing" he said. "You were always so depressed" he laughed. "Don't finish that sentence Kurt" I felt tears form in my eyes. "SO WHAT ABOUT YOU GET OUT OF THIS WORLD" he yelled. "FINE" I yelled breaking down I tears. I grabbed my keys. Bella looked at me. "He's the guy" she paused. "Fuck" I yelled walking out the door.

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