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He ran his hand down my hair. He pulled my shirt off. "You know I love you" he said kissing me "I love you" he came up to kiss my lips.He moved down my body sending me tingles. He took off my shorts had I was wearing. He kissed my stomach. Each kiss better then the last. He used his teeth to take off my black lace underwear. As we reached the top Kurt fell beside of me. "You know you're the best fuck ever" He turned to me. "Then you would be the best of the best fucks" I kissed him. "I need a shower" I kissed him. "Can I Come" he smiled. "Already asking for round two" I laughed. "Yep" he spoke. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the shower with me as I walked to the shower. We hoped in and washed each other's hair. "I missed you so much" I said as he washed the bottom of my hair. "I know baby" he spoke softly. "I have you now so I don't care" I smiled."You're fucking beautiful" he kissed my neck leaving a purple spot. "Ow" I laugh. "Just need to mark my territory" he smiled.

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