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As Jackson and I continue down the road we come across what looks like a junkyard, with cars and trailers all around, not to mention the piles of what appears to be unless nicknacks and trash. When the truck comes to a stop Jackson and I step out of the truck, guns ready, but not up or aimed. Jackson glances over to me as I walk around the front of the truck, "This must be the place."

I look around and notice there isn't any ash in the air, like there was our entire drive, "There's got to be a scientific explanation for this, right?"

Jackson nods as he looks around, "The trees may be creating a windbreak, keeping the ash away."

"Or this woman really is a witch." The two of us walk up onto the porch of the red trailer we parked in front of. When we get up to the door I notice a very familiar symbol on the door. "Isn't that? Abigail's symbol?"

Jackson takes out the disc we have and holds it up to the door, before nodding over to me. "It matches."

As Jackson and I sigh, taking another moment to look around, the trailer door opens, and a small Hispanic woman steps out. Jackson hadn't put the disc away yet and the woman looks at the drive and then up to Jackson. "Eres Senor. Duncan?"

Jackson looks down to the small woman confused, I chuckle softly and translate, having learned Spanish to help a few people we help move in California and Utah. "She's asking if you're Mr. Duncan. Do you know who that is?" I look over to Jackson.

Jackson shakes his head, "No. But there's only one way to find out."

The woman asks again, "Eres Senor. Duncan?"

Jackson takes a deep breath, "Si, Senor Duncan."

"Que Buena." That's good, the woman says, nodding and smiling up to Jackson.

Jackson nods and smiles to the woman. She is in a long red, almost Moo Moo dress, a long red and black patterned scarf over her shoulders, a long necklace, earrings, and a beige gardening hat. Once Jackson confirms he is Mr. Duncan the woman walks down off the porch and around to the back of the trailer. There is another trailer and a few more things, that again, make the place look like a junkyard. "Déjame llevarte Abendegos. Ha Estado Esperando al Senor. Duncan." Let me take you to Abendeogs. He has been waiting for Mr. Duncan. The woman speaks as she walks a few feet in front of us.

"She's taking just to meet someone named Abendegos, who's been waiting for Mr. Duncan. Wild guess you don't know who that is, either."

"No, but we did just assumed that Abigail was working alone, but it makes sense that she wasn't."

"Yeah, well, let's hope that this Abendegos and Mr. Duncan haven't met, or we might be one step closer to dead."

As we approach another trailer there are two men playing cards, upon seeing us the men stand and grab their guns, but the woman stops them. "Oye, Oye, Este es el Senor Duncan." hey, hey, this is Mr. Duncan.

The two men look to each other and then to us, one of the men was a spider tattooed on his left cheek, below his eye, the other is wearing a ball cap. It takes a minute, but one of them finally speaks, "Senor Duncan."

"Si, el esta aqui para ver a Abendegos," yes, he is here to see Abendegos.

The woman nods and walks away from the table as one of the men speaks, "Antes de entrar Tienes Que Dejar tus armas."

I sigh and look over to Jackson, "We need to leave the guns on the table."

Jackson and I nod, doing as we are asked. Laying our guns on the table, careful not to disturb the beers and cards on the table. We nod to the men before turning and walking up the porch to the second trailer. There are torn mesh nets and so many other things around this trailer to looks as if it's decorated for Halloween. Jackson opens the door and slowly steps inside and I follow him, the door creaks as it opens. There are boards covering the windows and letting in very little light, there is also what sounds like something snoring in the trailer. I look around and whisper to Jackson, "Sounds like you after a few too many."

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