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Mitch had gotten started on making the pheromone diffuser with Sam and Jackson had started to get ready to go. Before long I decide I should too when I get to our room Jackson is putting on his leather jacket and smiles over to me. I know the look on my face isn't one of approval. "Look, I know you aren't happy about me going, but..."

"Oh, that doesn't even begin to cover it. What were you thinking? That it'd be better for you to go and get torn to pieces. That it would be better for you to leave this family."

"I'm saving this family, Kat. I don't have another choice. Abe has a son and a wife. Sam has Clem and the baby, Mitch has Jamie and Clem and the new baby. It makes sense that I'd be the one to go."

"Because you hadn't started a family yet..."

"Because I have less to lose... Kat, I know that you don't want me to leave, but I can't live knowing that someone else grew up without a father because of me." I shake my head. "But I promise you I am going to make it back." Jackson pulls me close and places his hand on my head as it rests against his chest. "And when I get back, we'll have a future and a child."

I smile up to him, "You'd better make it back."

"Come on, when have I ever broken a promise to you."

I nod and smiles, "True. But don't let this be the first time."

I grab one of my good leather jackets as well and head out to the living room area where Clem is. Clem looks over to me, "hey, do you know what's up with Jamie? She basically refuses to hold the baby."

I shrug my shoulders, "I think she's working through some stuff, I mean we weren't exactly family like to her after we found out about everything she was doing."

"Yeah, I guess so."

I walk over and place a hand on Clem's shoulder, "don't worry, she'll come around."

"I hope so." Clem looks over to me, "Can you hold him while I get some stuff gathered and ready?"

"Yeah, of course." I smile as I take the baby and bounce him to keep him happy.

When Clem comes back I give her the little one and head downstairs to help Abe, Jackson, and Sam with the diffuser. When I get there Abe is pushing a cart of all different hybrid pieces, "alright, this is the full menu." When I get down to the bottom of the stairs, I feel a pain in my chest, I groan softly and grab the railing. Abe turns to me, "Are you alright?"

I nod and stand straight again, "I'm fine."

Jackson steps over to me, "Are you sure?"

I nod again, "I'm fine. I just need to sit down for a bit." As I say this Jackson helps me over to a chair near the table.

"I heard there were some civilians in need of a rescue." We look over and see Dariela coming in from the vehicle bay.

"Dariela! You made it." I smile over to her.

"This is where all the cute guys are hanging out?"

"You are a sight for sore eyes." Abe smiles and walks over to her. The two share an embrace, "you look beautiful."

"And you look horrible." Dariela smiles up to Abe. "What are you guys building?"

I smile over to her. "Just a pheromone diffusor, because our other one was broken."

Dariela chuckles and walks over giving me a hug, "How does it work?"

Jackson clears his throat, "the pheromones from the hybrids will make them follow whoever is driving the ATV away from the plane. Which in this case, would be me."

"Let me guess, you draw the short straw for driving the ATV as hybrid bait?"

Jackson shakes his head, "No, I volunteered."

I shake my head, "no matter what name you use, you always gotta play hero."

Jackson walks over to me and kisses me softly, "Yeah, I do."

As I smile up to Jackson I hear the baby coo as Clem comes down the stairs with him. "Oh, wow." Dariela gasps."How you doing?"

"Better. Now that you're here. Do you wanna hold him?"

"Can I?" Dariela smiles.

"Yeah." Clem nods, handing the little one to Dariela. "Here you go."

The little one coos as Dariela looks down at him, "Hey. Hey, buddy."

Abe, Clem, and Dariela head out of the room with the baby and the rest of us get to work finishing the diffuser. "Just a few more organs and we'll be set." Sam comments, squeezing an organ. "We seal this thing up, then when we're ready, poke a small hole, and when then scent hits the air, we'll be the hybrid Pied Piper."

I look over to him, "You sure know your hybrids."

"My dad taught me a lot. Before he died. Every day since I left Pangaea, all I thought about was tracking you down. And making you pay for the death of my parents. I had a plan for the day I found you. I knew exactly what I was gonna say, exactly what I was going to do... But what I didn't plan for was Clem. Holding my son it changes things, in ways I didn't expect. I'm not sure if I can explain it."

"You don't have to." Jackson nods as Sam finishes with the pheromones, "Good to go?

"I just have to say my goodbyes."

Jackson nods as Sam leaves when he's gone Jackson turns to me handing me a small case. When I open it there is a small device with a flashing red light, "This is the dead man's switch, huh? Not very impressive, is it?" I look up to Jackson, "Think we should rename it? Since it didn't come from a man, and also your sister's not dead."

Jackson chuckles, "Call it whatever you want... but you're right. She's still out there."

I nod, "So first we stop the beacons and then we find her." Jackson nods and looks down. I place a finger on his chin, raising it. "I know this is tough for you, but we got to get real here. Yes, Abigail is your sister, she also just might be three of the four horsemen of the apocalypse."

"I know what she is..."

"That's not what I'm getting at. Let me finish," I look up to Jackson, who looks back at me confused. "Yes, she is your sister and yes, she is a terrible person. But you do nothing but worry about your family." I chuckle softly, "You, Dylan Green, are a wonderful, caring man."

Jackson chuckles as well, "And you, Elizabeth Green, bring out the best in me."

I smile up to him, "I love you, Jackson Oz."

"And I love you, Katherine Oz."

"Now go save our family."

"And you keep them safe."

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