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Jackson and I continue on into the building, looking through every room we can find, "There's got to be a control room here somewhere."

I nod, "This is place is a maze."

"Alright, we got to split up. I'm gonna take downstairs, you take upstairs." Jackson looks over to me.

I nod, "Okay."

Jackson takes a deep breath, before placing his hands on my cheeks and giving me a kiss, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile before the two of us head to our separate floors. I head upstairs as quickly as I can. As I make my way through the rooms I hear gunshots and against my better judgment, I run toward the sound.

When I get to the room the gunshots came from I look inside and see Macavey holding a gun on Abigail, "Don't make me ask you again. What are you planning on doing with the hybrids?"

"Even if you knew, there's no stopping it."

"Wrong answer."

I know that Macavey wants Abigail died as much as I do, but we still need her. I rush into the room and tackle Macavey to the ground, fighting with him for a moment. Sadly, Macavey trips me when I get up and I fall to the ground, but before I know it, I hear a gunshot and Macavey falls to the ground.

I look up in shooked to see Abigail holding a gun, "don't look at me like that. I didn't save you because I care."

I shake my head, "Of course not, you saved me because you're not done with Jackson yet and you can use me to get to him." I stand and sigh, "Well, I didn't save you because I love my sister-in-law, either."

I run toward Abigail knocking her into the wall behind her, punching her a few times before she kicks me away. As she rushes toward me, I move to the side, kneeing her in the stomach. As I do Abigail elbows me in the head. As I straighten up I do the same to her, since I had to jump up slightly to do this, with Abigail and I begin the same height, she takes the opportunity to tackle me to the ground, landing a few good punches of her own, before I wrap my legs around her head and pull her down. Since my calves are in her face, Abigail bites into the back of my right calf and I yell in pain, releasing my leg lock on her head. Since I am already on my stomach, after rolling over when Abigail bit me, I am able to jump up and catch Abigail, who is facing away from me, as she gets up. Before she can turn around, I grab a handful of her hair and slam her head into the A.C. vent on the wall. Knocking her out.

As I lay her down, Jackson runs in, "Are you okay?"

I shrug, "I just beat the crap out of one Abigail Westbrooke, so yeah, I'd say I'm doing pretty good."

"Is she alive?"

"Does it matter?"

Jackson nods, turning Abigail over, "She is a Hybrid. So we need a live spinal fluid sample."

I shake my head, "She's a what?"

Jackson starts to take a spinal sample, but something seems off. Once he gets the sample, he checks her pulse. "No, no, no."

"What?" I kneel next to Jackson.

Jackson shakes his head and places his head to his ear, "hey, guys, we need help here. We got Abigail here, but she's in bad shape. We were trying to get a spinal sample fluid, but... Guys, We need help. We need help now." Jackson looks over to me as if he is terrified.

"Copy that, help is on the way," Jamie replies over the headset.

"We need to start compressions." I roll Abigail over and start CPR. I scoff and shake my head, "Saving the woman I've been yearning to kill. Ironic."

It doesn't take long for the other's to reach us. When they do Mitch seems to be himself again. We get Abigail loaded into one of the trucks we took to the compound and head back to the plane. "We got to get her into the lab," Jackson comments as he pulls Abigail out of the truck, no one particularly eager to help him.

Max, however, is the one to cave and help him, "Remind me again, how many people this Abigail woman has killed?"

"Not now, Max." Jackson sighs as the two head up the stairs in the cargo bay and into the plane.

I follow behind Jackson and Max, "We need to turn this place into a triage unit if we want to save her life." I hurry over to one of the tables and clear it, by knocking everything else onto the floor, lucky for me, none of it is glass. When it is cleared Jackson and Max lay Abigail on it.

Jackson turns to me, "I'm gonna go get Abe."

I nod, "Go."

Jackson rushes off as Max and I get Abigal set up and I start to get her stable. It doesn't take long for Abe and Jackson to get to the lab, "I found her after Kat put a royal beating on her."

Abe looks over to me, "Well, I can't say I'm not proud of you."

I shake my head, "What can I say, I'm a sucker for family." I smile at Abe sarcastically, "But when Jackson extracted her spinal fluid and her heart rate dropped."

Abe looks over to Jackson, "Why would you do that?"

Jackson sighs, "Because, Abigail is the final hybrid we've been looking for."

Max looks over to Jackson, surprised, "Well that changes things."

"So we're saving her life now." Abe sighs, "Why?"

"When Abigail held me captive, she said something about 'the hybrids will rise.' Now, she failed to set off her beacons, but there's more to her plan, Abe, I know it."

"And now, you want to revive her in the hopes that she's going to tell you."


"She's a terrorist. She's killed hundreds of innocent people."

I sigh, "I've barely got a pulse here guys."

Jackson takes a deep breath, "I need you. I need your help, Abe."

Abe straightens up, "I was a soldier before I was a doctor. I've seen close-up what people like Abigail can do. Maybe the world is better off without her."

"I know what she is, I know what she's done, I don't care. We are saving her life, end of story."

Abe nods in agreement and helps me to stabilize Abigail. Once she is stabilized Mitch and Max take over to do whatever surgery Abigail needs.

When Abe got back to the plan with Sam he had to accelerate Clem's pregnancy. Apparently, the transfusion didn't work as it should have. Sam had also been lying and he was working with Abigail so Jackson had locked him up in the cage in the basement. When Jackson and I hear Sam yelling downstairs, we head down to talk to him. Jackson walks a few steps in front of me, "Sam, we know you're working with Abigail. We need you to tell us what she was planning."

Sam takes a shaky breath, "She was planning to stop you."

I shake my head and lean again the wall, "Stop us from what?"

"Activating beacons. Waking hybrid nests you've planted."

Jackson turns to me, "Wow. She's really done a number on him." Jackson turns back to Sam, "Sam, you have this entire thing backward."

"I was there when you let the Razorbacks loose on Pangaea. My father was dead before I could get to him. My mother died in my arms. I was ten-years-old. Abigail helped raise me after that. I've known her my entire life. I trust her. I don't know you. There's only one person on this plane I'll listen to. And she's floating in a tank."

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