Secret Family

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We head back into the lab and look at the monitor that had been tracking the hybrids while Abe takes a phone call. When Abe comes into the lab Jackson walks over to him, "What was that about?"

Abe sighs, "Mansdale escaped and hid in the back of the Mustang."

Jackson sighs, "and we pushed it into a volcano."

"After everything he did to help Reiden and Robert, did he really deserve any better?" I turn to the group, "Good news though, it worked. They all followed the beacon right into the volcano."

Jackson nods as I turn to him, "But we have to get to Abigail before she hurts anyone else. We should turn around and head back to New York."

Abe steps forward, "First we have to go after Isaac. Look, I'm sorry, Rafiki, but we were not honest with the two of you. Isaac is not safe. He's still in Reiden's custody."

I shake my head, "why didn't you tell us?"

"Dariela and I, we thought we could get Isaac back on our own. But we were wrong."

I look over to Jackson, "Then we'll go after him. Together, okay?" Jackson states, rather determinately. As he does I take a deep breath and look over to him. Jackson takes a deep breath and nods, "We have not been honest with you guys either. Back in Portland, Logan did some tests on Abigail's blood, DNA tests. And we should've told you from the beginning, but we thought that we could handle it on our own too."

"Handle what?" Dariela questions.

"Abigail is my sister."


I chuckle, "Another of Robert's secrets."

Jackson nods, "I couldn't stop him, but I have to stop her."

One of the computers begins to beep and Dariela walks over to it, "It's an SOS."

"From who?" walk over beside her. "Wasn't this side of the mountain lost to hybrids years ago? The IADG Evacuated everyone." I look over to Jackson.

"We have to get down there." Jackson sighs, "I can't let anyone else die because of Abigail. Then we will go get Isaac, I promise."

"Okay," Abe nods, "Let's do this."

Jackson and I head out of the room as Dariela calls out to Abe. Abe stays behind but Jackson and I keep going. Abe meets us in the cargo bay as we land in Yucatan Mexico, and head to the SOS origin. When we get there it is foggy and you can barely see in front of your face. "This is where the SOS Signal originated." Abe looks up from the tablet to Jackson and me.

We all step out of the truck and look around, "Hello? Anyone here?" I shout.

"That's good, call the Razorbacks to our position." Dariela comments.

We approach a truck with its hood up and there appears to be someone working on it, "Hello?"

As we step closer a woman steps out and raises a gun. As they do, Jackson steps ahead of me, "Whoa, whoa, whoa."

The woman sighs and pulls down the bandana covering her face. "Dylan? Elizabeth?"

I look at the woman shocked, "Tessa?" Tessa had worked with Jackson and I for almost two years after we moved to the West Coast. Helping us to move relocated families, until more help was needed further South. Of course, she didn't know who we really were and thought we were Dylan and Elizabeth Greene.

"What are you two doing here?"

"We got your distress call."

Jackson nods, "These are our friends, Abraham, and Dariela Kenyatta. Guys, this is Tessa."

"Pleasure to meet you." Abe smiles.

"Why aren't you two back in Portland?" Tessa looks between Jackson and I.

"Uhh..." I scratch my head, "long story. What are you doing in Mexico? We thought we were working in California."

"We got word people needed an evac here. I was doing a final sweep until my truck died."

Dariela steps over to the truck, "That's your radiator hose. We can plug it up and refill it."

Jackson looks back over to Tessa, "We heard his place had been overrun by hybrids years ago."

"The area yes, the town no. The villagers say they haven't seen a hybrid in years." Tessa looks from Jackson to me.

I shake my head, "No razorbacks?"

"Nope, nothing. They claim there's a witch in town who's kept the hybrids away."

"This witch, did she evacuate with the others?"

"No, she's refusing to leave."

Jackson looks over to me, "Well, then I think we'd like to talk to her."

Tessa shrugs, "I'd like to talk her into leaving. And loop back with my team."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Dariela states, "The volcano's unstable, it won't be long before this area is toast."

"Look, if this woman really can keep the hybrids away, then maybe there's a way she can help us stop Abigail." Jackson turns to Dariela.

I nod, "It's worth a shot."

"Circle the plane, keep it out of the ash, we'll radio in ten minutes." Jackson looks to Abe and Dariela who nod and walk away. Jackson turns back to Tessa, "Can you tell us the coordinates of the compound and those two can get you back to your group."

"Yeah, sure." Tessa takes the map and marks the point of the Witch's compound.

I smile, "Thanks. Take care." I give her a hug before she heads off with Abe and Dariela, as Jackson and I fix the truck and head out ourselves. "Let's go find a witch."

As Jackson and I start to the compound I shake my head and sigh, rather sadly, "What is it?" Jackson glances over to me.

"Tessa was my best friend for two years, and for two years my best friend didn't even know my real name. She had no idea who I was."

"She knew you, she just didn't know your name. Or mine."

"I know we had to lie and why we hid from the truth. Maybe even more truths than just who we were."

"What do you mean?"

I take a deep breath and look over to Jackson, "Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed about being a mother. I really wanted a whole litter of babies, like Ive always told you I did. I wanted to love them. And hold them. Help them grow. I always said that if all I was in this life was someone's wife and someone's mother, then I did what I was put on this Earth to do. But when your father dropped the TX-gas and we lost the baby, I knew our dream of having our own children was over. Then when we had to move and go on the run, I knew our dream of adopting was over too. I tried to forget and be happy with that we had in Portland. I tried to focus on helping people and being with you. But it wasn't enough. Thinking about that family I dreamed about, that I'll never have with you, hurts every day."

Jackson nods, "I get it. I really do."

I shake my head, "I felt like such a failure when I lost the baby. Like there wasn't a point."

Jackson takes a deep breath, "I had a family once." I look around to Jackson, shocked, as he continues, "Another wife and a son. I was 19. We were day-tripping to Nairobi, and we had been driving all day and I was thirsty, so we stopped at a gas station. And I remember taking too long inside, you know, I was trying to decide between coffee and tea." Jackson's voice breaks as he continues, "And then I heard it. It was like a bomb went off." Jackson takes a deep breath, "A truck lost control, slammed into one of the pumps. His name was Connor. He was six months old."

I cover my mouth, tears running down my face, "Jackson, I'm so... I never knew."

"Abe is the only one alive who knows. Tried to forget, I tried to move on with my life, and I did. I found you and I was happy, but you're right. It hurts every single day. But Kat, I know that if we can stop Abigail, I know we can find a way to reverse the TX-Gas. I've come to terms that I can never bring my family back. But I'm not going to give up on the one I can have with you. I promise you that." I reach over and take Jackson's hand and the two of us keep driving.

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