Baby Names

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I leave Jackson alone and watch the little one. After about an hour or so, before I take him back to Clem and Sam, "Have you two thought of a name yet?"

Clem shakes her head, "Not yet."

"Let us know if you need any help, Jackson and I have only spent the past ten years thinking up baby names."

"You two still thought of baby names when there was no chance of you two having one."

I smile softly over to Clem, "We had to keep hope alive somehow, and now thanks to this little guy, maybe it won't be a dream anymore." I smile over to Sam before I leave the room, but he doesn't look like he wants to be here. I imagine the only reason he hasn't left yet, is the toxic spores outside and Clem. I sigh as I walk back into the lab with Jackson.

"What's wrong?"

"Sam does realize he's family now. I mean he has to after what Max just did to save all of us. But he is still really... uh..."

"He's still a jackass?"

"Not the word I would use but yeah, I guess."

Jackson nods, "that's because Abigail has brainwashed him into thinking that we are the reason his parents were killed on Pangea." Jackson shakes his head, "And to some extent he's right."

"The reason all those people were killed, is because they made the hybrids in the first place, then tried to feed us to them." I cross my arms and lean against the desk. "We did what we needed to in order to survive."

"I know but because of that, a boy grew up without his parents."

"Clem lost both her parents because of this too. So did you and so did I."

Jackson nods, "I know..." Jackson sighs and falls silent for a minute, "Shouldn't you be helping Clem?"

I nod, "Yeah, but I'm letting the new family have a moment."

"Probably for the best."

I nod and walk over to Jackson, kissing his cheek, "thanks to that little guy, you'd better start thinking of baby names, Mr. Oz."

Jackson looks over to me, placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me softly, before placing his forehead against mine, "Is that so?"

"Geez, you two still do that?" We hear Mitch from the doorway turn to him.

"Yeah, well, it's how we show affection."

Mitch shakes his head, "Why is the computer lab still attached to the kitchen? You'd think that'd be something Jamie would have fixed."

I chuckle, "You know there are multiple entrances to the kitchen, you didn't have to come through here."

"This was the closest door."

I shake my head, "Why are you down here?"

"Clem asked me to get you, she needs some help feeding the baby."

"Has her milk come in yet?"

"I don't know," Mitch states, getting a little uncomfortable, "You're the nurse, you ask her."

I sigh, "Fine I will head upstairs." I shake my head and chuckle as I head upstairs to see Clem holding the little one as he coos sweetly. "Hey."

Clem looks over to me and smiles, "Hey,"

"Your dad said you needed some help feeding the little guy?"

"Yeah, I can't seem to get him to latch. Do you think you could help?"

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