Stasis Tank

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Once the kids are out, Jackson and I go back in to look over the things we found in the tank room. Before long though Mitch comes down, "Hey, Isaac's been cleared, we're getting out of here." He looks around at the men moving things out, "What are you two doing?"

"Well, Logan had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get the Feds to okay it," I turn to Mitch, "But we're taking this thing with us."

"Well, that's not the worst idea." Mitch nods, as he walks over to Jackson who is standing in front of the tank. "You know, I..."

Jackson nods, "I know that you lost ten years of your life to one of these things, Mitch, and you probably hate it."

I chuckle, "I don't think probably should be in that sentence, baby."

Jackson shrugs, "But if we can get under the hood, there is no telling what we can learn about Abigail."

Mitch sighs, "I'm more concerned with how you think you're going to get it back to the plane."

I walk over to Mitch and cross my arms, "Let's get Logan to do it." I smirked over at the boys and Mitch looks all too happy with the idea.

Unfortunately, Logan decided that he would not be coming with us, but was able to give us some new information on a new hybrid in Tarapoto Peru and we are able to get the tank on board as well. When we get back to the plane, Clementine is waiting for us in the lab. "Did found the kids?"

"Yeah." Jamie smiles over to her, "So that's one in the win column, finally. I need to go see if that image of Mr. Ducan is finished processing."

Mitch leans against a table, "Yeah, I forgot to tell you, error message came up. Something about a corrupted file."

Jamie looks to Mitch, "I'll go check." She heads up the stairs.

Jackson walks over to me, "we should prep the gear for Peru."

I nod, "We're gonna need live rounds, no tranqs."

"We're going to Peru?" Clem questions.

"Yeah." I nod.

Mitch sighs, "We got intel on a new hybrid out there. We need some more spinal fluid. And with Abigail in the wind, it's pretty much our only play."

Clem shifts around from a moment, "Abigail was here."

"I'm sorry what?" I step toward her.

Jackson shakes his head, "What? What do you mean, Abigail was here?"

Mitch steps toward Clem as well, "Are you okay? She hurt you?"

"No, she didn't touch me, but, um, she got Abendegos. I'm so sorry," Clem looks between the three of us.

Jackson nods, "Okay, Clem, I need you to walk me through everything that she said."

Mitch clears his throat, "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Clem nods.

Clem and Jackson head upstairs to talk until the plane lands. With nothing else to do while we wait for Jamie and Mitch to get back the Jackson starts to mess with the tank while listening to the radio. I have nothing better to do either so I start researching the tanks.

"Reiden Global claimed they took the children to cure sterility. If that was a lie, I want an explanation." A female report complains.

"At least yesterday there was hope... Hope for a cure..." a male reporter replies.

Jackson sighs, "the world is going to hell." He tosses a wrench down and it clatters on the pile of tools he has.

"It always was, honey. The end is just in sight now."

Abe and Clem walk into the room and look between the two of us, "Looks like it's going well." Abe comments.

Jackson shakes his head, "I can't get this thing to work. Abigail is constantly one step ahead of us, and we are running out of time. If we can just get this thing to power up,"

"we might be able to get to the data it has inside, find out where she's been, and where she's going." I walk over to Jackson and place a hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to relax, "I know, baby."

Abe walks over to the tank, "I've read studies about tanks like these, theories about how they work. A combination of experimental trauma treatment and induced hibernation. I never thought anyone had actually built one."

Clementine walks over to the control box of the tank and looks inside, "That vent is for airflow. The power supply system is just like an electric car. That thing is the electric control actuator. Now we just need to find the ignition coil." She looks around.

Jackson takes out the circuit tester in this tools, "Here, try the, uh, circuit tester."

I look over to Clem and notice she is acting like she is hurt as she reaches over to take the circuit tester from Jackson. "Clem, what's going on?"

Clem looks between the three of us, "Okay, so Abigail and I got into a bit of a catfight. But I'm fine. Really."

I shake my head, "I'll be the judge of that. Go take a seat."

"This is why I didn't want to tell you guys earlier." Clem walks over to one of the tables, "I don't want you worrying about me. You have your own stuff you should be focusing on."

I stop in front of Clem, "Clem, you're carrying the baby that could save the world. There's really nothing more important than you right now."

Clem sighs and Jackson walks over to my side, "I get it. Ten years ago, I was in your shoes."

Clem looks over to Jackson, "Pregnant."

Jackson shrugs, looking over to me, "kind of."

Clem looks over to me, "Oh, Kat. I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "it was probably for the best, can't really have a baby when you're living on the run."

Jackson nods, "But, I was carrying the cure inside my blood. No pressure, right?"

Clem nods, looking over to Jackson. "So what did you do when it all got to be too much?"

I look up to her, "Alcohol. Sex."

Clem gives me a rather odd look, "well, neither of those are really an opinion for me."

Jackson chuckles at the rather odd face Clem is making. "Having people around me that we could trust didn't hurt, either."

I look over Clementine, "hmm..."

"What?" Clem looks from Jackson to me

"I'm sure it's nothing. I will need to extract some blood though."

"I'll go grab the kit," Abe comments as he leaves the room.

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